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编辑部信息组。Information Group of Editorial Office.

也扩充了编辑部的人员。Also augment the personnel of editorial office.

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来信雪片般地飞到了编辑部。The letters snowed to the editorial department.

刘是编辑部的一个负责人。Mr. Liu is a superintend in the editorial office.

广播与电视技术编辑部。Editorial Department of Radio & TV Broadcast Engin.

我也希望你与美术编辑部的人见面。And I want you to meet the people in the art department.

他先把我的文章加以润色后再交给编辑部。He slicked up my article and then sent it to the editorial department.

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生前任中央电视台新闻编辑部副科长。Health and the former Central Television News Department deputy chief.

您好,我是北京磨铁图书有限公司女性时尚编辑部的编辑。This is editer from woman fashion department of Xiron Publishing Company.

编辑部被遣散,黄涛被关进了“牛棚”。The editorial department disbands , Huang Tao has been shut in the cowshed.

编辑部在下定决心前也曾犹豫再三。The editorial board had hesitated before making up their minds to publish it.

我打电话到一些比较大的新闻编辑部,发现它们似乎都陷入了无政府状态。The big newsrooms that I called seemed to be in a state of productive anarchy.

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今天是快乐的日子,编辑部邮来了样报。让我体会到灵感是多么可贵。Today was the joyful day, the editorial department has mailed in the type newspaper.

体育部的另一个明星,也是汤姆在编辑部最好的朋友是凯耶科斯勒。The other star of the sports staff, and Tom's best friend in the newsroom, was Kaye Kessler.

在报纸和线上新闻的编辑部,编辑要为报道撰写标题,为照片写说明文字。In newspapers and online newsrooms, editors write headlines for stories and captions for photos.

但仅仅增加新闻编辑部中的女性人数并不足以保证性别敏感式报道。But simply having more women in a newsroom is not enough to guarantee gender-sensitive reporting.

“读者们可不会为什么新闻编辑部掏钱,”Rech先生说,“他们要买、要看、要听、要读的是编辑制作后的产品。"Readersdon’t buy a newsroom, " says Mr Rech "They buy, watch, hear and read aneditorial product.

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在造访该报社编辑部的“第二个”礼拜,他放任命为该报首要专栏的编缉。The week following his first visit to the newsroom he was appointed editor of the important column.

我们感谢吨什佩克,乔治弗格森和结晶学联合会本刊编辑部所有的投入和援助。We thank Ton Spek, George Ferguson and the IUCr Editorial Staff for all their input and assistance.

企业老板对编辑部的大肆削减,已经让好的新闻工作者无法工作。The corporate owners have decimated newsrooms, making it impossible for good journalists to do their job.