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别没事找事。Don't go looking for trouble.

他想,他要出去找事做。"He would look for something, " he thought.

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第二天,她问他找事做的情况。The next day she asked him about his venture.

坏的政客无事找事,与民为敌。Bad politician creates problems of the people.

在那里,他考虑着可以去找事做的地方。There he pondered over places which he might look up.

得了吧!又打算没事找事,川普先生?Oh please! Trying to make something out of nothing again DM?

所以你一定要“没事找事”,不要让大脑老闲着。So you must be "hard to find fault, " Do not let the old brain idle.

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明天他要到熙熙攘攘的商业区去找事做。To-morrow he would go into the roaring down-town district and find work.

让小孩玩那些火柴真是没事找事!Letting the children play with those matches was just asking for trouble!

习惯了无事找事,把感悟演绎成一种情调!Accustomed to nothing nothing, the sentiment deduction into a kind of mood!

“嗨,找事的人实在太多了,”皇帝说,“不过让我想想看吧——我需要一个会看猪的人,因为我养了很多猪。”"Why, yes," said the Emperor. "I want some one to take care of the pigs, for

我在桌子下面踢了他一脚,瞪了他一眼,叫他别没事找事。I hit him under the table and said with my eyes, don’t encourage. He can get worse.

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胜美接到讨债人的电话,讨债人听到家里有人接电话,便要上门找事。Wins, got a call from the dunner dunner heard someone answer the phone home, I would come to fray.

我们把一半的生命花在了用奔忙于生活而节省下来的时间找事做上面。Half our life is spent trying to find something to do with the time we have rushed through life trying to save.

第五,能尽快进入自己找事做,帮别人分担工作任务的状态,那就很棒了。Fifth, look for a job to do as soon as possible into their own, someone else share the tasks of the state, it is great the.

秒戈追上了那名公子,把钱还给了他,还让公子去家里找事做给他提供三餐一宿。Seconds gerben catch the name childe, returned the money to him, but also let the son to go home to his night to provide meals.

“你出去的时候真的是在找事做吗?”一天早晨,她问赫斯渥。她自己愁得急了,就想到这上面来了。"Do you really look for anything when you go out?" she asked Hurstwood one morning as a climax to some painful thoughts of her own.

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亚洲文字的标识有什么问题?政府的很多重要信息都使用多种语言来印刷。有些人就是没事找事。What's wrong with Asian signs. The government already prints most important info in many languages. People get all worked up by trivial things.

下午时分到溪边转上一圈,回家之后,发现脖子和手臂已经红了一大片,老婆在那边唠叨着,说你没事找事到那干吗。The afternoon to stream onto the lap, after coming home, discover neck and arm has a big red, wife there maundering about, say you nothing to do that.

我会没事找事的跟你讲话,虽然常常会被你骂有病,不过后面你又会理我,我会很开心,因为我把你当姐妹。I'll be all right with your speech, although often scold you sick, but later you will ignore me, I will very happy, because I think of you as a sister.