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“有钱人是很实利的,”我鄙夷的说。“Rich men are materialistic,” I scoffed.

这时,制作玻璃用品几乎全都是为了获取实利。Glassmaking at this time was almost entirely utilitarian.

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这让他们成为实利主义者和现实主义者,像弗罗斯特一样。It makes them materialists, too, or realists, like Frost.

他体现了美国人乐观的实利主义精神。He embodied the American spirit of optimistic materialism.

还有一种势利是小气中带着实利。There is also a snobbishness is in with a small advantage.

这岂但涉及实利,更波及尊严!This not only involves real benefits, but also involves dignity!

这种实利的乡土女性,太史公写得素朴可爱。This advantage of local women, Tai Shi public write lovely simple.

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由实利主义的观点上看起来,莲花的各部分都有用处。From the utilitarian point of view, every pan of the flower is utilized.

我加她为好友是因为我们是很好的朋友,我们都喜欢榛实利口酒。I am friends with her because we're good friends. We both love Frangelico!

他第一次意识到吃饭原来还不仅具有实利的功能。For the first time he realized that eating was something more than a utilitarian function.

此外,这还推动了商品和资本自由流动,给美国经济带来了实利。More than that, it benefited the American economy by allowing for free movement of goods and capital.

生存的挣扎使卡米诺人过著严谨的生活,反对在其他文化中常见的实利主义。The struggle for survival instilled in the Kaminoans an austerity that rejects materialism common in other cultures.

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总之,中国人真的没有想要去袭击什么美国。你知道,他们都是实利主义者。Anyway, Chinese people really don't want to attack the United States. As you know, they are all materialistic person.

据最新调查显示,实利主义的消费者更易相信他们所购买的产品具有改造能力的性能。Materialistic consumers are more likely to believe the products they buy have transformative qualities, according to new research.

由于经济因素的介入而呈现出来的实利主义的价值倾向,是当代社会价值重构的一个基本出发点。Economic factors of various kinds in modern society have influenced our social values, which is suggestive of a utilitarian tendency.

武技族有原始的宗族社会和复杂的家族结构、启蒙仪式、和反对实利主义的宗教。Wookiees have a primitive patriarchy with a complicated lineage structure, initiation rites, and a religion that rejects materialism.

分别从现代学校出现的去价值化、实利化、除道德化和规训化的价值取向来分析现代学校精神气质的异化。Appearing separately from the devaluation, demoralization , benefits and discipline, it analyzes the abnormal of the modern ethos of schools.

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中国经济优先的援非政策却因较为理性务实并给中非双方都带来了实利,获得了持续推进的动力。And the economy priority of supporting Africa by China brought benefits and pushed forward the momentum because of its rationality and pragmatics.

严格意义上的友情是一个人终其一生所寻找的精神小村落,寻找途中没有任何实利性的路标。The meaning of a strict friendship is a psychic village of a people to search all life. In the searching way where there is no any utilitarian signs.

在对五四启蒙文学自觉反省中,他站在农民的立场创作了大量“为农民实利”的文艺作品。During the self-introspection of the May-Four enlightenment culture, he wrote a number of works for pursuing the benefit of the peasants on their feet.