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想象一下它们一旦逃出铁笼后会出现的残杀景象!Imagine the carnage if they ever escaped their cages.

LJ和Lincoln在探访室的铁笼面对面坐着。LJ faces Lincoln through the cage in the visitation room.

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这会让你感到镇静,因为看看他们的水平吧,你就像置身于一个铁笼中一样。You feel calm because, seeing the quality, you are in an iron barrel.

大厅里都是高大的铁笼,里面整齐的叠放这黄金。In all directions the halls are stacked with gold in tall steel cages.

有一位年轻人捕到了一只小老虎,就把它关在铁笼里饲养。One day a young man caught a young tiger, and he kept it in an iron cage.

与一般的铁笼阳台不同的是,它是一个非凡的防护网。With general iron basket what the balcony differs is, it is defend specially net.

卡洛。安切洛蒂还将球员们带到了“铁笼”,进行了一场三脚传球的五人制比赛。Carlo Ancelotti took the players to 'the cage' for a game five-a-side three-touch.

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医生把他的头部锁在铁笼里,把他关进地下室的囚牢中。The doctor locked his head in a metal cage and sealed him away in a dark basement cell.

漂泊四方,在任何地方都成为别人猎奇的目标,甚至成为马戏团铁笼中的小丑。Wandering the Quartet, to any place in be curious, and even become a circus clown of the cage.

山公不知是计,它拎起条帚钻进铁笼就清扫起来。I do not know the mountain of public dollars, it got picked up the broom to clean up the cages.

影片的重心是一只笼内的狗与灵犬莱西隔著铁笼开始互吠。The main interaction of the film is a barking match between a caged dog and the costumed Collie.

它还没有弄清楚发生了什么事情,就在一片混乱中被锁进了铁笼!It also did not find out what had happened, the chaos in the midst of being locked into the cage!

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那么你就知道潜水员们是从一个安全的铁笼或铁箱里观察这个动物的。If so, you know that some divers observe the animals from the safety of a steel cage or container.

面力和分娩是通过两个独立的应用和“反对称”硬的铁笼里。Tractions and confinements are applied through two separate and "antisymmetric" stiff steel cages.

我们为德尔。皮耶罗创造了几次机会,但对阿毛里来说想摆脱对方的防守铁笼绝非易事。We gave Del Piero a couple of good balls, but it wasn't easy for Amauri to free himself from that cage.

在水下生活时,他被关在铁笼内以确保他停留在正确的深度,并通过管子获得食物。He stayed in a metal frame to make sure he remained at the right depth and was fed rations through a tube.

我刚把菜叶伸进铁笼里,还没来得及把手松开,它便迫不及待地舔着我的小手,怪痒痒的。I just put the leaves into a cage, could you release your hand, it can't wait to lick my hand, blame itchy.

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接下来的一幕就是眼含泪水的Dumbo来到锁着母亲的马戏团铁笼来探望她,事实上也是来向他的妈妈道别的。Following this, a tear-soaked Dumbo visits his mother in a depressing circus cage and essentially says goodbye to her.

她说,她站在潜水用铁笼里,下潜到鲨鱼群边上时,她被这群动物的动作姿态深深打动了,而并不觉得危险。When she went diving in a cage next to sharks, she said, she was more struck by the animal’s movements than the danger.

熊笼为多个小时,每天在小铁笼,许多人被目击遭受永久隔离在鸡笼。Bears are caged for many hours per day in tiny cages, and many have been witnessed to suffer permanent confinement in cages.