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他躺在床上,蜷缩成一团。He lay huddled up in bed.

她蜷缩在一个角落里。She scrunched into a corner.

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他们蜷缩着围挤在火旁。They huddled up around the fire.

他蜷缩在冷风中。He huddled himself up in the cold.

两名士兵蜷缩在一堵墙后。Two soldiers huddle behind a wall.

我蜷缩在地上然后放声大哭。I curled up on the floor and cried.

或是为了蜷缩着喝一杯蛋酒。Or curling up with a cup of eggnog.

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她蜷缩在地上,象只摇尾乞怜的狗。She crouched low like a fawning dog.

那具未曾烧尽的尸体还蜷缩在木床的余烬里。She had to sift ashes from the cinders.

有些人带了睡袋,就蜷缩在里面。A few with sleeping bags curling up inside.

蜷缩是个好姿势,像个寂寞的乖孩子。Crouch is a good posture, like a lonely child.

我只想蜷缩在床上和我的丈夫和狗一起入眠。I just want to curl up with my husband and dog.

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他蜷缩在角落里,吓得语无伦次。He cowered in the corner, gibbering with terror.

那个乞丐蜷缩在屋子的一个角落里。The beggar is crouching in a corner of the room.

忍受着孤独,寒冷,和饥饿,卡图克蜷缩着难以入睡。Alone, cold and hungry, Katook curls up to sleep.

他们三个紧紧抓住天窗,蜷缩在那里。They crouched there, clutching the open hatchway.

刺猬一受到攻击就蜷缩成一团。A hedgehog rolls itself into a ball when attacked.

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我们进来时看见她蜷缩在沙发上。When we came in we saw her doubling up on the sofa.

他歹毒地盯着那个蜷缩成一团的嫌疑犯。He turned his baleful glare on the cowering suspect.

我的脚步声碰到了她,蜷缩在屋子的角落里。My foot struck her, cowering in a corner of the room.