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翻转开始了!A Reversal Begins!

我在手掌里翻转着那块石头。I rolled the stone in my palm.

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他的车子翻转然后爆炸了。His car rolled over then exploded.

看见这里神大而可畏的翻转了么?Do you see the great reversal here?

叉形工具用于翻转栈板。Forks tooling for handling pallets.

友好的弗兰克翻转美味烙饼。Friendly Frank flips fine Flapjack.

那只猴子用一次又一次的翻转嘲笑我。The monkey mocks me with each flip.

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如果太平,运动员将翻转。If it is too flat, athletes will flip.

查看页面翻转电子书全屏。View page-flipping eBook in full screen.

在虎钳中翻转差速箱。Invert the differential case in the vise.

一元化调节时,请翻转使用。Centralized regulation, please use overturned.

时常翻转红椒,让各个部位的皮都烤成黑色。Turn around often and keep burning until black.

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影片剪辑,按钮和翻转,输出功能。Movieclip-Button with rollover and out function.

然后将贴膜顶部翻转回原来的位置。The top flap is then flipped back up into place.

你也能放大、翻转以及裁剪你的图片。You can also zoom, rotate, and crop your images.

须肢长到可翻转的附着瀑处。Pedipalps terminate in eversible adhesive organs.

翻转你的书本,到无极里去。Turn your book upside down and be in the infinite.

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回顾翻转展示板上的要点。Review all key points which are listed on flip chart.

但这些加起来的重量将会使船向右侧翻转。The combined weight will flip the boat right side up.

这种过度的向内翻转称为“内翻过度”。This excessive inward rolling is called overpronation.