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这是一个可提升的属性。A promotable property.

丨带有属性的宠物?Vanity Pets with Stats?

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基于属性的处理。Property-based processing.

该存档档案具有唯读属性。This archive is read-only.

该属性是强制的。This property is mandatory.

属性发生了什么?What happens to attributes?

发布插座属性。Publish the socket attributes.

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一个2D向量属性的值。Value of a 2D vector property.

取得这个变数的属性旗标。Gets the name of this variable.

它为每个行提供了属性。It has attributes for each row.

长度是线的属性。Length is predicable of a line.

是什么赋予了材料这样的属性What gives it those properties?

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显示非空间属性的框架Frame for non-spatial attributes

灰色的椭圆表示属性。Gray ovals represent attributes.

不,这是属性的总和。No, it's a bundle of properties.

我们断言理性是人类的属性。We predicate rationality of man.

数据类型并不具有属性。DataTypes do not have properties.

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大体上纽约有三重属性。Thereare roughly three New Yorks.

因此,这些属性是无序的。The attributes are thus unordered.

以及其他一些的参数和属性。We'd like to be able to slice them.