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他的话让我觉得局促不安。His words let me feel abashed.

在局促不安的梦中我独自行走。In restless dreams I walked along.

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这个小男孩因羞愧而局促不安。The little boy squirmed with shame.

他局促不安地挪动双脚。He fidgeted awkwardly with his feet.

那男孩在她面前感到局促不安。The boy felt constraint in her presence.

那男孩局促不安地盯着地板。The boy stared at the floor embarrassedly.

她迟到了,显得火急火燎,局促不安.She arrived late, looking hot and flustered.

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那位教师总是使学生们局促不安。The teacher always embarrasses the students.

在一个满是陌生人的聚会里你会感到局促不安吗?Does a room full of strangers at party intimidate you?

我感到局促不安,而且感觉他也跟我一样。I was embarrassed, and had the feeling he was embarrassed too.

我相信保守党的国会议员肯定对这个问题感到局促不安。I am sure Conservative Party MPs must be squirming on this issue.

像许多男人一样,我对于性别问题稍感局促不安。Like many men, I feel slightly ill-at-ease addressing gender issues.

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在如此之多的生疏人面前讲话,那个女孩子很是局促不安。The girl was very embarrassed to speak in front of so many strangers.

那小孩一看到满屋子都是陌生人,感到非常局促不安。When the child see all the room fille with stranger he is much abash.

我的邻座局促不安地傻笑着,跟我一样盯着桌子看。My neighbor giggled in embarrassment, looking at the table like I did.

那陌生人灰黄的眼睛打量着兰登,使他感到局促不安。Langdon hesitated, feeling uncertain as the stranger's sallow eyes studied him.

爱伦一想到要在全校师生面前演讲就觉得局促不安。Ellen was abashed at the thought of making a speech in front of her entire school.

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遇到陌生人或外国人时,英国人常显得不自在,甚至局促不安,。When he encounters strangers or foreigners he often seems uneasy, even embarrassed.

这对推进谈话没任何用,仅仅使这个人局促不安。This will do nothing to further conversation and only make the person uncomfortable.

尽管黛安娜感到局促不安,且请柬来得太匆忙,可她还是接受了。Though she was flustered, and the invitation came at such short notice, Diana accepted.