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一阵酷暑突然过去了。The hot spell broke.

今年夏天酷暑难耐。The heat is intolerable this summer.

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严寒或酷暑时,为着花粉,疲于奔命。Cold or heat, for the pollen, exhausted.

酷暑使树叶卷缩枯萎。The leaves are shrivelled up by the heat.

酷暑几乎能点燃任何干物质。Great heat can ignite almost any dry matter.

今年夏天的酷暑实在令人无法忍受。The heat of this summer is really insupportable.

你可以看到酷暑时节和寒冷时节。You see like the hot periods and the really cold periods.

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而远在新德里,他的妻子却饱受40多度高温酷暑的折磨。In New Delhi, his wife sweltered in temperatures above 40C.

人们的环保计划会因为酷暑而取消吗?Will people's environmental intentions wither in a heatwave?

您就那严冬里的火炉,酷暑里的浓荫。That winter where you are on the stove, heat inside the shade.

去年夏天,由于酷暑我们遭受了轻微的旱情。We had a bit of a drought last summer thanks to the heat-wave.

那天酷暑难耐,她沿着街道朝我走来。And it was a hot summer day, and she was walking down the street.

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老年人不胜忍受今年的仲夏酷暑。The old aged cannot bear up against the midsummer heat this year.

仲夏酷暑尤其令人难熬。It is particularly difficult to bear up against the midsummer heat.

来自饮料摊的冰柠檬饮料,在酷暑里甜甜的透心凉。Iced lemon drink from the drink stall, sweet and heavenly in this heat.

雨季的来临,掩盖了炎夏的酷暑,淋湿了迷失的心灵!The advent of the rainy season, cover the summer's heat, wet a lost soul!

酷暑中,它有时能连着喝水近1分钟。In hot summer, his up-right drinking sometimes can last for almost 1 minute.

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春天的第一个迹象,常常因酷暑和秋雨而衰败。The first signs of spring, often clobbered by summer's heat and autumn's rain.

可以说正当运城酷暑难带时,北部的五台山却风景宜人。Can be said that as Yuncheng heat difficult belt, northern Mount Wutai scenery.

突然,酷暑的寂静被一阵千军万马的金铁之声打断,它们好像气盛高呼着“万岁。”There was a sound like a thousand metal voices shouting "Hail!" cut off abruptly.