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企业并购交易越多,可疑的股票涨落现象也随之增加More mergers, more suspicious stock moves

粒子射程的涨落称为歧离。The fluctuation in range is called straggling.

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星系最终就是在这些密度涨落中形成的。From those density fluctuations galaxies eventually formed.

工资的涨落随物价变化而变化是常事儿。It's a common practice that changes in salary lag changes in prices.

但是平均温度可能掩盖了一天之内温度大的涨落。But the mean temperature could disguise large fluctuations during the day.

该文还讨论了介观电容耦合电路的量子涨落。The quantum fluctuation of this mesoscopic coupling circuit is also discussed.

该区域内的量子涨落随着宇宙膨胀而被放大。Quantum fluctuations inside the pockets were amplified along with the universe.

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本文讨论涨落对汤姆生型电子管振荡器的影响。The influence of fluctuation on an auto-oscillation system of Thomson-type is discussed.

回收工业经受不了市场价格的同期性激烈涨落。The recycling industry is particularly vulnerable to wild cyclical swings in the market.

午餐得花二至四个苏,随着蛋价的涨落而不同。His breakfast varied in cost from two to four sous, according as eggs were dear or cheap.

当有新的发现时它的供给会大增,这样就会引起货币涨落。It can soar unexpectedly with new discoveries, thus causing currency values to fluctuate.

指出结构函数的振荡涨落导致非线性标度律。It is point out that the fluctuation of structure function lead to nonlinear scaling law.

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这个量子涨落的性质在统计力学中称为遍历性。This property of the quantum fluctuations is known in statistical mechanics as ergodicity.

在华盛顿州的克拉兰湾的一个随潮汐涨落的水潭里,一只巨大的绿海葵正吞食着一只红巨蟹。A giant green sea anemone eats a red cancer crab in a tidal pool in Washington's Clallam Bay.

为减小伽马射线计数的涨落,采用了高性能大尺寸BGO晶体。High performance large-size BGO crystal is adopted to reduce fluctuation of gamma-ray counts.

光是闭合的任意尺寸的弦的涨落。费米子是开弦的端点。Light is a fluctuation of closed strings of arbitrary sizes. Fermions are ends of open strings.

本文简要评述了双亲分子流体膜的弹性与热力学涨落的理论研究现状。The theory of elasticity and thermal undulations of fluid membranes of amphiphiles is reviewed.

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缺氧现象的发展与减退受潮汐涨落的影响。The simulated hypoxia phenomena develop during the neap tide and disappear during the spring tide.

认为基于涨落原理的问题解决路径是复杂的和不可逆的网状结构。It is pointed out that the fluctuation-based way of problem-cloying is complicated and irreversible.

当然,系统能量的涨落,比单独的分子能量小得多。And, of course, the system energy fluctuates a great deal less than the individual molecule energies.