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下颚打浆机秸秆画上步行者。Pacers paint straw beater jaw.

雄鲑鱼弯下颚弯曲或钩状的雄鲑鱼的下颌。Curved or hooked lower jaw of a male salmon.

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上颚或下颚突出为失格。Undershot or overshot bite is a disqualification.

他吻着我的下颚,滑向我的颈间。He then moved from my mouth down my jaw to my neck.

上颚最后的一只前臼齿,下颚最前的一只臼齿。Last premolar of upper jaw, first molar of lower jaw.

我晨间的大衣,衣领稳稳地攀至下颚。My morning coat, my collar mounting firmly to the chin.

这种大鸟的全部残留部分是它没有长牙齿的下颚。All that's left of this big bird is its toothless lower jaw.

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从下颚到喉结,他的皮肤松弛地垂了下来。An empty fold of skin hung from his chin to his Adam's apple.

可是他也同样等了很久,那只撕裂的手扳住了狼的下颚。Like so many others, she was badly lacerated by flying glass.

将呼吸器置于下颚下端,并且将鼻梁夹朝上。Position the respirator under you chin with the nosepiece up.

呼气时进一步放松下颚骨并按摩。Release your jaw further and massage deeper with each exhale.

这些蚂蚁通过互相抓住彼此的下颚和侧爪,聚集在一起。The ants connect by gripping each others’ mandibles and claws.

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她的下颚紧得成了方形,她的眼睛变成翡翠的颜色。Her jaw line tightened to squareness and her eyes went emerald.

詹森脸部多处损伤,他的下颚是再造的。Jensen has a reconstructed jaw and much of his face is damaged.

请注意下颚骨是如何联锁而形成坚墙的。Notice how the original jawbones interlock to form sturdy walls.

开始时稍稍下颚前倾,拉长脖子。Start by elongating the neck and jut your chin slightly forward.

钳状咬和或下颚突出式咬和,形成正方形口吻。The bite is even or sufficiently undershot to square the muzzle.

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这个仪表堂堂、下颚方正、圆圆的脑袋上顶一头短发的小伙子是谁啊?Who's the imposing, square-jawed chap with the pudding-bowl crop?

坚利的牙齿和下颚说明这只霸王龙肯定是个可怕的猎手。With its powerful jaws and teeth, T-Rex was a terrifying predator.

上颚突出式咬和或下颚突出式咬和属于严重缺陷。A bite which is undershot or overshot should be severely penalized.