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我感动到有点想哭。I am touched to cry.

哇噻!我太感动了。Wow! I'm so touched.

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哇噻!我太感动了。Wow! I am so touched.

他被感动得流了泪。He was moved to tears.

林深受感动。Lin was greatly moved.

我好感动。真系好感动。You touch me so deeply.

我被它深深地感动了。I was deeply moved by it.

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是的,我非常感动。Oh yeah, I was moved by him.

每次我都会感动而泣。Each time I'm moved to tears.

江美欢迎您,用好书感动您!Welcome, nice books move you!

我被这个电影深深感动了。I was deeply move by the flim.

诗能感动天和地。Poetry moves heaven and earth.

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今天我被深深感动和激励!I am deeply moved and inspired.

那部感人的电影令我们很感动。The moving movie made us moved.

那位老人感动得流了泪。The old man was moved to tears.

他的演技感动了观众。His acting carried the audience.

他的话使在场的人都受到感动。His words moved everyone present.

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杨利伟的所做所为让我非常感动。I'm moved by what Yang Liwei did.

是因为某本书让你深受感动,对吗?Was it a book that motivated you?

我们在这个时刻不由得感动泪流。We whelm with tears at this time.