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我们是历史的针头。We are pinheads of the history.

针头绝不能重复使用。Needles can not be re-used EVER.

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注射针头刺入他的前臂。A needle was thrust into his arm.

用来将针头安装在胶筒上的转接头。Adapters to fit needle to cartridge.

不带针头的注射器-用来收集水银syringe without needle- to pick up mercury

远离黄赌毒,不共用注射针头!Do not abuse drugs or share injection needles.

注射针头和手术刀尤为危险。Needles and scalpels are especially dangerous.

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医生用橡皮胶把针头固定下来。The doctor fastens the pinhead with rubberized fabric.

如果确实通过静脉注射毒品,也不要共用针头和针管。If IV drugs are used, do not share needles or syringes.

乙肝的主要传染方式是母婴传播,另外还有性传播、输血传播,以及经由被污染的针头传播等途径。The chief mode of transmission is from mother to child.

在用注射毒剂的方式执行死刑时,为什么还要消毒针头?Why do they sterilize the needle for lethal injections?

我拱廊里面搜寻,凭眼力追查脏的针头。I hunt around the arcade, eyes peeled for a dirty needle.

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如果你选择使用可注射药物,不要共用针头。If you choose to use injectable drugs, don't share needles.

用粗针头进行心包穿刺时,没有抽出血液。Pericardiocentesis with a wide-Bore needle yielded no Blood.

在病者傍边把针头锁接与套管针端口连接上。Connect the Luer lock to the trocar port on the patient side.

注射器吸满漱口液,接上针头,排出注射器内空气。Fill the syringe with solution, attach the needle and expel air.

首先使用5毫升注射器和22号针头做引导穿刺针。D. start with a 5 ml syringe and 22 gague need as a seeker needle.

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针织,但对我来说没有区别-我拥有的针头在两手都要硬。I got hold of the toy in both hands and lifted it on to the table.

在这些过程中,使用的针头和医疗器械都是消过毒的。In all these procedures, sterile needles and instruments are used.

另一群人注射毒品,使用共用针头。Another is ejection injection drug users who share niggles needles.