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她丈夫当时试图让嫌犯缴械。Her husband had tried to disarm his killer.

将军告诉士兵缴械投降。The general told the troops to lay down their arms.

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他们应当正常交战、撤退、投降还是应当试着将他们缴械?Should they engage, retreat, surrender, or attempt to disarm?

马刺最后时刻的反扑也告无功而返,被迫缴械投降。The last time the Spurs have been nothing back, was forced to surrender.

但McAfee表示,微软此举是缴械投降的迹象。However, McAfee said the move is a sign of capitulation on the part of Microsoft.

面对强壮、信心十足、攻击力更强的新人阿扎伦卡,莎娃只能缴械。The face of strong, confident, attacking more new Azar Lunka, Sharapova can only disarm.

戒烟或咀嚼烟草时,你的吸烟欲望能够让你缴械投降。Tobacco cravings can wear you down when you're trying to quit smoking or chewing tobacco.

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欢呼的西西里人把加里波第的队伍迎入巴勒莫,2万人的皇家部队缴械投降。Cheering crowds welcomed his troops to Palermo, and the royal army of 20, 000 surrendered.

在那儿被民兵围困了10日后,柏戈因最终缴械投降。There, surrounded by a belated outpouring of militia, Burgoyne surrendered ten days later.

赫罗尔德向警方投降,布斯则拒绝缴械而被击毙。Herold surrendered to the police, but Booth refused to lay down his arms and was shot dead.

这位官员对本拉登被缴械而且很可能被射杀的印象很深。The official gave the strong impression Bin Laden had been armed and may have been shooting.

然后可趁机,对不稳定的皇协军实施缴械。Then can seize this opportunity to, to not stable huang association army implement to disarm.

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面对成为违约国的危险,奥巴马和他的政党只好缴械投降。Faced with the danger of a default, Mr Obama and his party had little choice but to surrender.

但政府还想让公众相信,用一张表格就能让贩毒团伙缴械?But the administration wants the public to believe that it's going to disarm cartels with a form?

女人从来不会因为恭维就缴械投降,而男人却总吃这套,这是性别差异。Women are never disarmed by compliments. Men always are. That is the difference between the sexes.

如今,要将圣主抵抗军完全缴械,就必须用金属探测器清扫数千英里的厚密丛林。Disarming the LRA today would mean sweeping thousands of miles of dense jungle with metal detectors.

当我们完全缴械投降的时候,还是每所房子里都有英国士兵站岗的时候?Will it be when we are totally disarmed, and when a British guard shall be stationed in every house?

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缴械,解除武装放下武器的行为,尤指减少或取消国家的军事力量和武装。The act of laying down arms, especially the or abolition of a nation's military forces and armaments.

增加缴械效果是个非常好的额外技能,甚至减少缴械时间都没有关系。Adding a Disarm as our extra ability would be an amazing benefit even with reduced duration on Disarms.

有报道称土耳其当局劝他们缴械投降,以避免更多流血事件的发生。Reports suggest they were persuaded to give themselves up to the authorities without further bloodshed.