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有了名位,嫉妒和仇恨便接踵而至。After honor And state, follow envy And hate.

有了名位,嫉妒和仇恨便接踵而来。After honor and state, follow envy and hate.

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希望名位能够选购心目中最理想的单位。I hope you will find your favorite units today.

非常高兴能够到这里与名位分享我的研究结果。It's my pleasure to be here to share with you my research findings.

如果我们过度占有这些原非我们生而具有的财富、名位,那么,我们究竟是强盗,还是小偷呢?If we occupy fame and wealth that is not inherent, are we robber or thief?

如果我们占有这些原非我们生而俱有的财富、名位,那我们是强盗,还是小偷呢?If we occupy fame and wealth that is not inherent , are we robber or thief?

这个特定行业的数据库是通过对123000多名位网络用户的分析汇总得到的的。This industry-specific database accretes data from more than 123, 000 visitors.

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有热诚的人也爱他们所做的事,不去计较金钱或名位或权势。Enthusiastic people also love what they do, regardless of money or title or power.

有名位的人,名位不重要,人格才崇高。Important people are great only when they rely on their character, not their position.

将军坐在论名位仅次于自己的贵客伊利亚·安德烈伊奇伯爵旁边。The general sat by Count Ilya Andreivitch, as the guest next in precedence to himself.

在一项有关降低工作和家庭冲突的原创性研究中,上述职业名位其中。Those occupations are among several linked in a groundbreaking study to low work-family conflict.

由正义而获得一个名位是光荣的,不过宁取得正义而牺牲名位,则更加光荣。It was glorious to acquire a place by justice, yet more glorious to prefer justice before a place.

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以荣誉为主要人生目标者,他们为了名位,跟别人争的头破血流,耗尽精力,方才罢休。They, whose goal of life is honor or fame, struggle for the fame and position with great efforts. They are exhausted.

当你让自己的心灵陷于身体的挂虑,陷于所购买的物品及世界所重视的名位上,你其实是在自寻烦恼,而非追寻幸福。When you let your mind be drawn to bodily concerns, to things you buy, to eminence as valued by the world, you ask for sorrow, not for happiness.

至于以权利名位为目标者,他们揽权争位,完全不知授权分工。They, whose goal of life is power, fame and position. They scramble for the power and position, completely ignoring the importance of authorizing and delegating of work.

所以,在一定的社会历史背景下,社会成员的各安名位、各尽职责是社会发展和前进的必要条件。So, in a certain social and historical context, the various members of the community safety fame, do their duty is to advance social development and the necessary conditions.

他是唯一一位舍弃名位、决然遁去的达赖喇嘛,他用通俗化的诗歌抒发了内心感情和对宗教清规戒律的反抗。He was the only Dalai Lama ever to choose to give up his monastic vows. Poems became his voice to resist religious routines and to express his inner feelings in a folksy flavor.

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这名位官员说,米歇尔将利用一切机会来强力要求缅甸释放所有政治犯、与反对派人物对话以及结束对少数民族的暴力行为。The official said he will use every opportunity to press U. S. demands for the release of all political prisoners, dialogue with opposition figures and an end to violence against ethnic minorities.