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第四步、吹干冷却管。Finally, the cooling pipe is dried.

冬天,空气干冷,寒风凛冽。It was winter with cold air and strong wind.

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冬季干冷,时有风沙天气。Dry and cold in winter, when weather and sandstorms.

然后储存在干冷的地下室里。Then put them in a cool dried place not on the ground.

干冷抑和真空底托都没问题。Dry and cold at the end of suppression and vacuum up no problems.

使得他的皮肤柔软、滋润,特别是在干冷的冬天。Keeps his skin moisturized and soft especially during the cold dry weather.

南方干冷,大部分被冰冰盖笼罩。The south was cold and arid, with much of the region frozen under ice caps.

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唐冶遗址出土农作物均为旱地作物,没有发现稻谷,可能与西周以来气候趋于干冷有关。The crop patterns might be a result of adaption to the dry and cold climate at that time.

山西大同盆地属干冷荒漠景观条件的半封闭型断陷盆地。The Datong Basin is a semi-closed fault basin developed in an arid dry desert environment.

本文介绍一种在原血浆袋中冻干冷沉淀的方法。A method of preparing the freeze- dried cryoprecipitate in the original plasma bags was introduced.

我也在干裂的嘴唇上用,寒冬的时间宝宝在出去表面干冷的氛围中时也给他脸上用?飧觥?。I'll also use it for my chapped lips or before baby goes out in the cold, windy weather, on her cheeks.

青藏高原的干冷气候变化具有由东向西推进的特点。Qinghai-Tibet Plateau dry and cold climatic change has the characteristics that advance from east to west.

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干冷式冷却系统是一种通过采用自然通风原理达到冷却效果的冷却系统。A dry cooling system is one which effectuates cooling according to the principles of natural air circulation.

北方多风使天气干冷,南方呢,没什么风,可湿度大,所以湿冷,我觉得那更不好受。While in the south, there's litt1e wind but high humidity, so it's a damp cold, which is more uncomfortable, I think.

整个末次冰期,研究区的冬季风较强盛,即使在MIS3阶段,气候也以干冷为主。In the whole Last glacial, the winter monsoon was much powerful, even in MIS3 stage, the climate was still dry and cold.

一种干冷结冰,没有形成具有保护作用的白霜,引起内部结冰和蔬菜死亡。A dry freeze without the protective formation of hoarfrost that results in the internal freezing and death of vegetation.

随着干冷气候的减弱,长江三角洲一带出现硬粘土沉积。Then, with the withering of dry and cold climate, there appeared stiff clay sediment in the delta of the Changjiang River.

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清代,人类开发干预与转为干冷及温干的气候相共轭。In the Qing Dynasty, artificially imposed development and dry cold weather and moderate dry weather affected the area together.

他们穿上冬衣,带着帽子和手套保暖,为了获得免费的罐装和新鲜食品,在干冷的清晨排队等上好几个小时。Bundled in warm winter coats, hats and gloves, they wait in the crisp, early morning hours for a free package of canned and fresh food.

北京的冬季很冷,干冷干冷的,还刮风,坐在高层建筑内聆听,严重时犹如鬼哭狼嚎一般。Beijing's cold winter, dry and cold of the dry and cold, windy, sitting inside listening to high-rise building, as if serious Guikulanghao general.