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亡命之徒,哦,你已不再年轻。Desperado, oh, you aint gettin no younger.

亡命之徒,噢,你已不再年轻。Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin no younger.

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亡命之徒,哦,你已经年华老去。Desperado, oh, you ain't getting no youger.

亡命之徒,噢,你早已不再年轻。Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger.

亡命之徒,哦,你已经年华老去。Desperado, oh, you ain't getting no younger.

亡命之徒,为何不步向你的感觉?Desperado, why dont you come to your senses?

亡命之徒,为什么你还不清醒?Desperado, why don't you come to your senses?

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亡命之徒,为什麽你还没清醒?Desperado, Why don, t you come to your senses?

它不掂,我们需要一队军队的气候亡命之徒。It's not working. We need an army of climate outlaws.

在这里,普斯是一位亡命之徒,一位世界闻名的探险家。The Puss here is a swashbuckler, a world-renowned adventurer.

那位行政司法长官说,警察们可以在关口截住那些亡命之徒。The sheriff said posse could head off the outlaws at the pass.

让利比亚全国过渡委员会公布出一个逍遥在法律外的亡命之徒。Now, will the NTC show that they are more of a nation or a bunch of outlaws.

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一些中国的邦交伙伴,像津巴布韦和苏丹,简直是国际上的亡命之徒。Some Chinese associates, such as Zimbabwe or Sudan, are international outlaws.

亡命之徒,你已不再年轻,你的苦痛,你的饥饿它们正催促你的归来。Desperado, oh, you ain't gettin' no younger, your pain and your hunger, they're drivin' you home.

亡命之徒巴曹想开枪射杀贾牡丹,结果被赵越泽和许家姐妹先一步枪击毙命。Desperado Pakistan want to shot Cao Jia peony, the results were Zhao Yueze and Xu sister first shot.

此想法在2001年撞击五角大楼和世贸中心前有亡命之徒般的追随者。This cause had deadly adherents before the attacks on the Pentagon and the World Trade Centre in 2001.

南城四虎实则是几个亡命之徒,听说林午阳有大批的财宝,见钱眼开,决定跟随林午阳。South four tigers are actually few outlaws, hear Lin Wu Yang a great treasure, greedy, decided to follow Lin Wu Yang.

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亡命之徒丹蒂·阿雷特坐在杰克身旁的座位上,两人的手腕依然用镀镍的钢手铐铐在一起。He sat in an airline seat next to Dante Arete, the fugitive still chained to his arm by a pair of nickel-plated steel bracelets.

一家费城的报纸开始把他们叫做Seventy-Sickers,当Rubin被解雇的时候,76人4胜47负,这听起来像一个亡命之徒一般。A Philadelphia newspaper started calling them the Seventy-Sickers. They were 4-47 when Rubin was fired, sounding like a broken man.

他们是亡命之徒,因为他们的文化不尊重生命,自由和追求幸福的价值观。Such endeavors typify their nature, as their culture still does not value the principles of life, liberty and pursuit of happiness.