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上面这段声明的出处是?The source of this statement?

我问她东西的出处。I asked her for the provenance.

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没有核查那个故事的出处。would not have checked the provenance of that story?

欢迎转载,请注明出处!在此谢过诸君!Thank you for calling me back. I really appreciate it!

浮云出处元无定,得似浮云也自由。Amorphous cloud source element may like clouds also free.

对产品出处的了解很关键。An understanding of the provenance of the product is key.

沧州信息港供稿,转载请注明出处!Changzhou Harbor feeds, reproduced, please indicate the source!

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如有转载请注明出处,谢谢!If you link this blog, Please note its orginal linkage, Thanks!

好,我相信你!没有必要提供详详细细的出处。Alright, I believe you! There's need to quote chapter and verse.

如果你们知道其他短语和出处,请不要忘了在评论中与我们分享。If you know of any others be sure to share them in the comments.

你没有必要告知你所解释的信息的出处。You need not note the source of information that you paraphrased.

不要接受来自于不认识的出处的配对或者连接请求。Do not accept pairing nor connection requests from unknown sources.

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如全书共有一百首回首诗,只有一首作品指出作者姓字而不详出处。For example, in the whole book there were a hundred poems repeated.

但没有在任何一个地方表明出处和作者姓名。But did not make clear provenance and author full name in any place.

与单行本出版物的不同之处在于再版引用出处。It differs from reprinted publication in that a reprint cites sources.

这是希腊、罗马神及其神话的出处。This is where the Greek and Roman Gods and their mythology came to be.

我们只留了一些翻唱的歌在这里想通过这些老歌告诉大家我们这个乐队的出处。We left a few covers on here for yucks and to show where we come from.

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引用本网志内容时请您注明出处,谢谢合作。Please indicate the source when you quote from my LIVE space. Thank you.

在有公开资料可以佐证的地方,我都用脚注的方式表明了出处。Whenever possible, references to open sources are made in the footnotes.

这张图片已在许多博客上出现,却没有注明出处。The picture has since appeared on a host of blog sites, without attribution ⑫.