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副本不能再被复制。Duplicates are not copied.

任何副本章你喜欢。Copies any chapter you like.

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你能给我张副本吗Can you get me a replacement?"

该副本是多还是少好。The copy is more or less good.

我可以印一份副本吗?Can I have a hard copy of this?

恢复数据文件的完整副本。Restore a good copy of datafile

编辑您的网站的本地副本。Editing of your site local copy.

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保户的香港身份证副本。Copy of HKID Card of the Insured.

我还需要一个同样PFD的副本。I also need a pfd copy of the same.

我可以印一份副本吗?NO16, Can I have a hard copy of this?

请自行覆印副本,以作纪录。Please make copy for your own record.

我已经把报告影印了多个副本。I have made photocopies of the report.

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她用打字机打出了原件及两份副本。She typed an original and two carbons.

供应范围和修订本的副本。Copy of scope of supply and amendments.

“坏狗好好副本,”格罗根说。"Bad dogs make good copy, " says Grogan.

徽标的扫描副本附后。The scanned copy of the logo is attached.

一定数量上的重要副本。A "significant" number of " duplications".

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商业登记证副本。Copy of Business Registration Certificate.

我准备我的资料然后分送副本。I prepare my material and pass out copies.

他更愿意用“母本”和“副本”。Instead, he prefers "original" and "copy".