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第四、兼容并蓄,保持开放。Fourth, embracing inclusiveness and staying open.

缸器厚重,兼容并蓄,朴拙富古趣,是运用范围极广的花器。Jars have the greatest scope of utilization of any floral vessel.

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主张新旧融合、兼容并蓄的折衷主义立场。Advocated the integration of old and new, inclusive eclectic position.

正是这种兼容并蓄,加强了它作为观赏之楼的审美内涵。The aesthetical meaning as an outlook was enhanced by the combination.

其哲学思想兼容并蓄,又学有所宗,在中国哲学史上占有重要的地位。He devleoped traditional thoughts and had a vital position in Chinese philosophy.

庾信的创作中昭示出兼容并蓄的文化价值取向。Yuxin's literary creation is characterized by the value of the compatible culture.

营造兼容并蓄的高效能环境,塑造楷模形象,赢取员工的信赖。Develop an inclusive and high-energy environment. Earn trust by acting as a role model.

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此外,香港也是一个意外连连、兼容并蓄、自相矛盾的地方,从来都不会让人感到沉闷。It is also a place full of surprises, juxtapositions, and paradoxes. Never a dull moment.

其理念是建造一个使互惠关系和自由资本市场兼容并蓄的组织。The idea is create an organisation embracing mutuality as well as free market capitalism.

但是只要他们再和罪行兼容并蓄一阵子,就习以为常,而忍受得了罪行了。If they remain in contact with crime for a time, they become accustomed to it, and endure it.

其二,兼容并蓄的时代气魄为周昉“唐妆”样式提供了坚实的文化基础。Secondly, the inclusive spirit of the times provides a solid cultural foundation for the"Zhou mode".

然而,在很多情况下,传统与现代完全可以兼容并蓄,甚至相得益彰。However, more often than not, tradition and modernization are wholly compatible and may even be mutually enriching.

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对待后现代真理观的理性态度应是兼容并蓄,辩证扬弃。This article holds that the attitude towards post-modernist concept of truth should be comprehensive and dialectical.

团队一定要兼容并蓄,应该招聘各种各样的基层员工,并且,别害怕固执己见的新人。Be sure to recruit an eclectic mix of junior employees to the team, and there's no need to fear opinionated newcomers.

中国山水诗史向来采取兼容并蓄的态度,涵括著游览、行旅、山水、田园诸篇来编写。It always incorporates diverse things in Chinese scenery poem history, including sightseeing, journey, scenery, and idyll.

我们相信,只有能兼容并蓄各种不同的文化与观点,才能形成丰富的新文化,造就一个强大的团队。We believe that only can be inclusive of different cultures and viewpoints, to form a rich culture, creating a strong team.

这款镀白金色穿孔耳环优雅妩媚,甜美可人,同时将简约风格与细致设计兼容并蓄。Elegant, feminine and sweet, this pair of rhodium-plated pierced earrings combines simplicity with real attention to detail.

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成吉思汗和他的继承者对各种宗教皆采取兼容并蓄的政策,利用其来加强自己的统治。Genghis Khan and his successors adopted inclusive and equitable policies, making use of these religions to strengthen their rule.

剧中还采用不同文化背景及种族的表演者,配以形式各异的舞蹈语汇,融合中外多元音乐元素,实现东西方舞台艺术的兼容并蓄,体现丰富多样的内涵。Artists of this show are from different nations, and together with different forms of dance style, it will reflect rich implications.

重视新媒体,吸收新技术,强身健体,兼容并蓄,走自己的路,这才是明智的选择。Pay attention to new media, absorb new technologies and make their bodies healthy, inclusive and go its own way. This is a wise choice.