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这番话激起了一个少将的反驳。That prompted a retort from Rear Adm.

1943年初,陈纳德被提升为少将。In early 1943, Chennault was promoted to major general.

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少将已经被转移到德国的一家美国军事医院。Dorko was evacuated to a US military hospital in Germany.

实际上这句话是奥利弗·史密斯少将说的。The remark was actually said by Maj. Gen. Oliver Prince Smith.

维克多·亨利迟疑不决地提了三个有名气的海军少将。Victor Henry diffidently named three well-known rear admirals.

理查德-B-H-刘易斯最近以空军少将的身份退役。Richard B. H. Lewis recently retired as an Air Force major general.

那么聘请斯塔布尔宾少将担当“照料”就是道理傍边的事了。It would then make sense to employ General Stubblebine asa consultant.

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Hopper在1985年晋升为美国历史上第一位女性海军少将。In 1985, Hopper became the first woman promoted to the rank of admiral.

这位海军少将身后留有妻子吉塔和一双儿女。The Rear Admiral is survived by his wife Geeta and a daughter and a son.

一个军衔位于少将之上和大将之下的将官。A general officer ranking above a major general and below a full general.

美国特种部队司令是陆军少将威廉.加里森。The American commander of the Rangers was Major General William Garrison.

少将理查德E韦伯将承担指挥氟化钠今年晚些时候推出。Maj. Gen. Richard E. Webber will assume command of the NAF later this year.

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到手的黄金被抢走,少将身负重伤,这都令日军颜面大失。Robbed of gold, major general wounded, this makes the Japanese face big loss.

他的母亲邵华也是一位少将。做为一个女将军在解放军里很少见。His mother Shao Hua is also a major general, as woman is quite unusual in PLA.

卡特少将说瓦里.卡扎先生“在多个方面发挥着积极影响”。Maj Gen Carter described Mr Wali Karzai as "in many ways a positive influence".

彭光谦少将把当前的中美关系比作一场“智斗”。Major General Peng Guangqian defines current Sino-US relations as a "smart war".

我选派美国伯纳德?H?雷海军少将率领一参谋组前往。I chose Rear Admiral Bernard H. Bieri of the United States to head a staff group.

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去年缺兵少将的火箭队争取到了42胜40负,但无缘季后赛。The undermanned Rockets scrambled to a 42-40 record last year, and missed the playoffs.

巴边防武警监察长塔里克少将在巴扎尔宣布,"我们认为,巴扎尔战役,作为特定军事行动,现在已经基本结束。We think the Bajur operations have now more or less ended as dedicated military operations.

按照新条例,告发到苦苦乐少将处的文职人员也将面临刑事起诉。Civilians reporting to Cucolo also could face criminal prosecution under the new guidelines.