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我可以把这张丹青拿走吗?。May I take this picture?

我的名字是陈丹青。My name is Chen Danqing.

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我擅长水墨丹青。I'm skilful in ink and wash.

您好我的名字是陈丹青。Hello! My name is Chen Danqing.

人类丹青妙笔难以企及。Human indeed clever pen elusive.

艾米的爸爸以为是一本丹青书。Amy's dad guessed a picture book.

烟花巷陌中,隐约可见丹青作画的屏风。The fireworks lanes, to Dan barrier.

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人类丹青妙笔难以企及。Human indeed hard to attain clever pen.

世间无限丹青手,一片伤心画不成。The infinite Dan hands, not a sad picture.

她被要求画一幅她的家子的丹青。She was asked to draw a picture of her family.

用钢笔或者石墨笔勾画出的丹青、图案或者写生画。B picture, design, or sketch done with lines in pen or pencil.

来自安徽合肥的17岁营员殷丹青说。From Hefei, Anhui's 17-year-old member of Yandan Camp Green said.

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陈丹青除了身为一名画家,还是很受欢迎的作者。Besides being a painter, Chen is equally popular for his writings.

归来却怪丹青手,入眼平生几曾有。Dan-back was strange hand, had a few pleasant to the eye his life.

这样,国家可以把全国最优秀的丹青妙手汇聚起来。The academies gathered the most excellent painters in the country.

丽娘立即叫春香取来素绢丹青,对镜自描。Immediately, Li-niang told Spring Fragrance to fetch her a silk scroll and paints.

但是,李丹青认为学生们从入学教育中所获取的消息可能非常有限。But students may get very "limited information through orientation", according to Li.

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没有多少人敢像陈丹青那样站起来,立志于改变不合理的情况。Not many people dare stand up like Chen and fight to change the irrational situation.

行直带同丹青回来,众人均感愕然,家宁更觉得难受。Straight line with write back, they all feel is startled, rather more dont feel well.

夜华让白浅躺下,自己着笔磨墨,要为白浅画一幅素描丹青。Night Hua let white light down, his pen and ink, for white light on a sketch painting.