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安全可靠,是一种新型的抛石船。It is a stone dump -ship of new type.

在暴动中,有些人向警察抛石头。Some people in the riot were shying stones at the police.

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在那儿尽情地探究中世纪诸如抛石机那类的古怪武器吧,累了,还可以在雄伟的城墙之内散步哦。Seek out medieval weapons, like the trebuchet, and walk the magnificent castle walls.

利用石笼墙系统、阶梯、抛石和少量的混凝土保护河岸。Use gabion wall system, terraces, riprap, and less concrete to protect the riverbank.

在港口围埝工程中,常用的埝体材料有袋装草袋土、抛石、混合灰等。Bag soil, filling rock and mixed soil are usually used as material of reclamation dam.

以椭圆流速分布公式出发,建立了抛石位移计算公式。Formulas of the displacement of riprap are derived from the elliptic velocity formula.

抛石机是我国古代一种远程重型战具,应用于攻击防守战中。The trebuchet is a long distance heavy offensive and defensive weapon in the ancient China.

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在抛石层中进行防渗止水,一直是工程技术人员面临的一个难题。Anti-seepage treatment in riprap layer has always been a hard problem to engineers and technicians.

本文抛弃均质渗流假定,对抛石防波堤内波浪运动的问题进行了研究。This paper studies the wave motion in rubble mound breakwater by discarding the homogeneous assumption.

经过验算,冲深与抛石稳定性的计算与实际工程的结果较为一致。A formula reflecting the stabilization of riprap in a closure work and of groyne head apron is thus deduced.

经过验算,冲深与抛石稳定性的计算与实际工程的结果较为一致。The calculation results of scour depth and stabilization of riprap are consistent with the actual situation.

提出了在抛石填海地层钻孔灌注桩施工中常见问题及处理方法。Common problems and their solutions are put forward in riprap-filled sea formation during bored pile execution.

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研究讨论了重力式码头厚抛石基床内部水平滑移破坏问题,并提出了一套简化的计算分析方法。Horizontal slipping in the deep rubble-bedding of gravity quays was studied and a simplified method was put forward.

抛石护岸历史悠久,在长江中下游及国内外各大河流中应用较为普遍。Riprap protection of bank was applied in the middle and lower Yangtze River and many other rivers at home and abroad.

介绍了用炸药爆炸方法使船用舾装码头水下抛石基床密实的新技术。The paper introduces a new technology of explosion to tamp the underwater stone-tossing base of ship outfitting quay.

对不同孔隙率、不同块体粒径的抛石防波堤进行了大量的计算。A large number of numerical tests are performed on the breakwaters with different porosities and different block radius.

抛石护岸工程效果与其粒径、覆盖率及石方量等有关。Effect of riprap protection is related to the diameter, percentage of coverage and cubic meter quantity of block stones.

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在这些人中,还有特选的七百精兵,能左右开弓,个个能用机弦抛石,毫厘不爽。Among them were seven hundred valiant men, all left-handed and able to sling a stone at a hair's breadth without missing.

以青岛某工程为例,介绍水抛石装船工艺比较设计。Taking a project in Qingdao as an example, this paper introduces the design of process comparison in water riprap shipment.

抛石海堤在海岸堤坝工程中十分常见,而对存在淤泥的地质进行填筑时常使用爆破挤淤法对基底进行地基处理。Riprap embankment is one of general coastal projects, and explosive compaction is used in foundation treatment of soft soils.