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酗酒是一种病。Alcoholism is a disease.

他因酗酒致死。He drank himself to death.

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他因酗酒而受到降级处分。He was degraded for being drunk.

他因酗酒而被拘留。He was taken up for drunkenness.

约翰把他所有的钱都花在酗酒上了。John blued all his money on drink.

酗酒之风正在增长。The vice of drinking is increasing.

也有其他人很轻易就流于酗酒。Other people drink too much alcohol.

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如果父母看不到酗酒的问题呢?WhatIf a Parent Doesn't See a Problem?

和任何病一样,酗酒也需要治疗。Like any disease, it needs to be treated.

弗林特也是那种人,而他在萨凡那酗酒死了。Flint was, and he died of rum at Savannah.

健康和酗酒不能相容。Health does not consist with intemperance.

他对未到法定年龄的酗酒者采取强硬政策。He takes a hard line on under-age drinking.

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他酗酒,他赌博,他追逐别的女人。He drank, he gambled, he chased other women.

他经常酗酒滋事。He often drinks heavily and creates trouble.

那么他为什么花那么多时间酗酒?Then why did he spend so much time drinking?

他们也继续地酗酒、吸毒,并贪爱钱财。They have continued to be in love with money.

酗酒的司机把酒放在柩车之前。Drunk drivers put the quart before the hearse.

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他耽溺于赌博和酗酒。He abandoned himself to gambling and drinking.

他的身败名裂是由赌博和酗酒造成的。His downfall was caused by gambling and drink.

偷窃、赌博、酗酒闹事、斗殴。Stealing, gambling, drunken behavior, fighting.