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SOX9可能是SRY的一个下游基因,起着承前启后的作用。SOX9 is a downstream gene of SRY and plays pivot roles.

承前启后与时偕行。把人类艺术之花。With the accompanying ChengQianQiHou. The flower of human art.

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唐朝对法医学来说,是一个承前启后的时代。The transitional period of Chinese forensic medicine is in Tang Dynasty.

起着承前启后的中介桥梁作用,是完好作文的必由之路。As it functions as a bridge and it is the only way to a good composition.

明代大理寺多次复置使其在历史上也有着承前启后的地位。Ming Grand court re-set it several times in history also has a carrying position.

祖马对全国发表电视讲话时誓言要承前启后,进行良好管理。Mr. Zuma, in remarks on national television, pledged continuity and good governance.

厉鹗是浙西词派中期的代表作家,也是一位具有承前启后意义的词学理论家。Li E is a representative writer of Zhexi Ci school, and also the important Ci theorist.

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最后一章论述其诗歌的价值及在诗坛上承前启后的作用。The final chapter discusses the value of his poetry and in poetry on the role of carrying.

2001年是新世纪承前启后的第一年,也是中国“十五”计划开局之年。The year 2001 is the first year of the new century and China's National Tenth Five-Year Plan.

在清代中后期,黄燮清是一位有着承前启后作用的戏曲家。Huang is of transitional significance to playwriting in the mid and late leaf of Qing Dynasty.

在中国中古文学思想发展史上,初唐阶段具有某种承前启后的意义。As to the literary thoughts during the period ahead, the early Tang can be viewed as an end of it.

中国目前正处于一个具有重大历史意义的承前启后、继往开来的时期。China is currently in a period of great historical significance inheriting the past and opening future.

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霍曼斯的交换理论在西方社会思想史上处于承前启后地位,成为经济社会学理性选择理论的重要来源。Homans' exchange theory serves as a link between past and future in the history of western social thoughts.

应该说,这次会议具有承前启后的重大意义。It needs no saying that this meeting is of great significance, as it serves as a link between past and present.

展望未来,卡尔斯丹人豪情满怀,承前启后,继往开来!The forecast future, Karsd person full of pride and enthusiasm, after the continuation will open, will inherit!

战略决策是战略管理中极为重要的环节,起着承前启后的枢纽作用。Making Strategic decisions is a key element in strategic management and serves as a link between past and future.

可以看出,宋代监察法制在中国古代监察法史上处于波峰处,起到承前启后的作用。We can see, the Song Dynasty supervisory legal system was in the parabola and plays role which carried on the task.

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今年是“十二五”时期承前启后的重要一年,也是本届政府任期的最后一年。This year is an important year of the Twelfth Five-Year Plan period, and the last year of the term of my government.

这批大学校长某种程度上奠定了美国现代真正意义大学的基础,对美国高等教育的发展具有承前启后的作用。These presidents laid a foundation for American modern university institution and served as a link between past and future.

有感于此,漳州画界承前启后,继住开来的局面令人欢欣鼓舞。Considering this, the role played by Zhangzhou painting in inheriting the past and ushering in the future inspires all of us.