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埃米跪下身子,这样他们可以平视对方。Amy knelt down so that their eyes were level.

平视过去女人不正是男人的附属品吗?As the women used is not the property of men?

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健康,重生计时器,和目前的状态显示在平视显示器。Health, Respawn timer, and current Status are shown on the HUD.

这是令人震惊的有多少人甚至不知道什么叫“平视显示器家园”的。It's astounding how many folks don't even know what "HUD Homes" are.

眉峰应当在眼睛平视时,你眼眸外缘的上方。While in the eye when eyebrow peak shall, on the top of the outer eyes.

平视式视察,为使用者提供舒适的操作视线。Horizontal sight and visual glasses are provided operational sight for user.

建议和患者座位靠近在平视上没有障碍。They recommend sitting close to the patient at eye-level with no barrier between you.

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本文介绍了头盔平视显示器的结构、特点、新技术和应用。This article introduced strucre, ad- vantages, new technology and use of helmet head up display.

本实验是关于飞机平视显示器高度字符的工程心理学研究。This experiment in engineering psychology studied altittidesymbols of airplane head-up displays.

菜单的信息通过抗反光平视显示系统,完整地展示在驾驶者面前。Information from the menus is shown on the anti-glare Head-Up Display within the driver′s field of vision.

脸向左转一点,头抬高一点,眼睛平视,稍微笑一些,好,不动,准备照,好!Turn your face a little bit left, raise your hand and look straight forward. Great! now keep still! ready? go!

示数观测镜是用于光装工位的平视显示器视差调校设备,精确方便。As an equipment for the adjustment and correction of HUD parallax, reading indicator is accurate and convenient.

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它在直升机执行特殊任务时,具有很大的使用潜力,而且和标准平视显示器有同样的信息。When helicopters cany out a special task, it has great use potentialities and information as much as standard HUD.

转向灯的平视显示器自动变更为现在的赛道,但它仍然可以推翻选择升级。The HUD shift light now automatically changes per track, although it can still be overridden by choosing an upgrade.

在近距格斗中,该雷达自动跟踪敌机,并将信息显示在平视显示仪上。For close-in dogfights, the radar automatically acquires enemy aircraft, and this information is projected on the head-up display.

通过叙事视角,可以清晰地看到,时代也是经历了单一、枯燥、激情、平视,再到现在的五彩斑斓。Through the narrative perspective, we can clearly see the times is through a single, boring, passion, head to the current colorful.

对于网络论坛,我们应该用一种平视的眼光去公正的评判,并用一些合理的途径来规制它所带来的消极影响。For network forum, we should use a head-up vision to just judge, and with some reasonable way to regulate the negative effects it brings.

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眼睛向下看,最佳的头部位置应当和你在水上自然平视的姿势差不多。Look down with your eyes, your best head position should be similar to your natural posture when you are out of water looking straight ahead.

快速输入、注释缩放、平视显示等快速响应性工具所带来的设计优势,使功能进一步增强,以保持高精确度。Gain added design strength from responsive tools like Quick Input, Annotative Scaling, Head-up display and more to maintain pinpoint accuracy.

RIGS平视显示器可以用于表演飞行、导航以及视觉瞄准和目标标线。The RIGS heads up display can be deployed for applications such as the rendition of flight, navigation, and sighting data with aiming point and target reticule.