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根据测试结果出具试验报告。Release testing report due to testing result.

买方向卖方出具意向书和保密协议。Buyer issues LOI along with NCND to the Seller.

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你们必须出具数量和重量证明书。You’ll issue a certificate of quantity and weight.

授权谁来出具检验证书呢?。Who is authorized to issue the inspection certificate?

其他分支机构不允许出具统括保单。Other branches were not allowed to issue master policies.

估价报告应当由知名的估价师出具。Valuation report should be obtained from a reputed valuer.

在马尔代夫潜水都要出具PADI的潜水执照。Diving in the Maldives have to issue a PADI diving license.

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两名印度律师或法律顾问出具的保证。Affidavits from two attorneys or counselors at law in India.

在马尔代夫潜水都要出具PADI的潜水执照。In the maldives diving are issued by my PADI diving licence.

方石加工品是由整齐地切割出具方形边缘之石块所组成。Ashlar work consists of regularly cut blocks with squared edges.

请等一下,我给您出具外汇兑换水单。Please wait a moment. I will fill out the exchange memo for you.

检验证书将由中国出入境检验检疫局或其分支机构出具。The certificate will be issued by CIQ or by any of its branches.

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侵权行为指注册会计师出具不实旳审计报告旳行为。The tort is the behavior that the CPA mendacious audit statement.

无须洽请签证会计师出具内部控制制度专案审查报告。CPA to provide a special audit report on its internal control system.

银行出具记名式存单。The Bank issues registered certificates of deposit for such deposits.

而该组织必须在4月15日之前提交一份出具资金来源的计划。The group must submit details of a fully-financed project by April 15.

公证书自出具之日起生效。The notarial certificate comes into effect as of the date of issuance.

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交易中心受理申请当日,出具收件收据。Trading Center admissibility of application on the venue box receipts.

董事不能出席的,可以出具委托书委托他人代表其出席和表决。It shall be held only when over two-third of the directors are present.

委托方将依据合格质量标准出具书面的检验报告。Principal will submit written inspection report based on AQL standards.