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纠缠这个问题。Entangle this issue.

他们总是纠缠不清。They always come around.

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石南篱笆的纠缠。A tangled fence of briars.

现在这一个也来纠缠不清了!And now there's the other one!

是你的表中的所有纠缠不清呢?Are your tables all tangled up?

为什么会产生斑块和纠缠?Why do plaques and tangles form?

没有结果的纠缠,毫无意义。No results of entwine, meaningless.

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那些顽皮的孩子纠缠住她不放。Those naughty boys fastened on her.

其他人在这场争论中纠缠不清。Others became entangled in the debate.

她为了要一些钱跟她丈夫纠缠不休。She dunned her husband for some money.

纠缠的藤蔓在天上划线。The tangled bine-stems scored the sky.

篱笆上纠缠着野玫瑰。The hedges are tangled with wild roses.

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谁满腹的心事爱恨交织纠缠?。Who's heart full of love-hate struggle?

爸爸被纠缠得没办法,只好和我一起去。Father was badgered into coming with me.

枫佳满脸通红地挣开男人的纠缠。With a red face, Feng Jia struggled away.

并对这两种纠缠相干态进行了讨论。Discussions on the two ECSs are presented.

而多余的我总是要把你纠缠。More than enough am I that vex thee still.

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“时髦的乐调”会追逐他们纠缠不休。The "modern note" would have pursued them.

树藤和电线纠缠在一起。Vines and electrical wires mould into one.

到底有什么东西如此纠缠和诱惑我啊?What is it that haunts and tempts me thus?