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谁批示这个乐队?Who conducts this orchestra?

科学是批示官,实践是兵士。Science is a commander whellole practice is a soldier.

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拿破仑是最巨大地军事批示官地汗青。Napoleon was one of the greatest military commanders in history.

在这台电脑中一个叫做总控的程序想一个批示官一样工作。In this computer a mean program called Master Control behaves like a dictator.

它用于处理编译器的调用协定批示符的特殊位置。It is useful to handle the compiler specific placement of the calling convention specifier.

预算委员会的长篇报告的梗概已提交市长批示。A sketch of the long report by the budget committee was submitted to the mayor for approval.

胜利登上乔治岛后,船长向批示部发了一份无线电报。After succeeding in landing on George Island, the captain sent a radio message to the headquarters by radio.

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艾莉开端在洪家发扬本人的小伶俐,她想让全家人都听本人的批示。Ellie beginning in my little house develop flood astutely, she wanted the family all listen to my instructions.

国度总理温家宝已经飞往灾区批示救助事情并探望生还者。China's Prime Minister Wen Jiabao has flown to the epicentre to see relief work , having met survivors elsewhere.

中央领导批示查处,阳东16官员为此落马,被挪用的国债资金如数追回。Central leadership and instructions, Shenyang officials to Lok Ma East 16, misappropriated funds amount recovered.

由于相传将军乔治华盛顿批示阿谁年夜陆在1775年在其十分地分支机构。Because legend has it that General George Washington took command of the continental in 1775 under its very branches.

美国批示官求全训斥巴基斯坦的部族地域为激进分子供给了出亡所,使他们有机缘从头武装,并筹谋新的袭击。S. commanders have blamed safe havens in Pakistani tribal areas for giving militants space to re-arm and plan attacks.

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轧机乳液和油路自成封闭系统,具有冷却、过滤和总管压力批示功能。The rolling emulsion and oil pipe form a closed system with the cooler, filter and indicator for pressure of the main pipe.

第41军团在第九军的管辖之外,由高级绝地将领露米娜拉和批示官格里自力带领。The 41st was a legion out of the 9th Assault Corps, under command of Senior Jedi General Luminara Unduli and Commander Gree.

每一封网帖,他们都认真对待,书记、县长甚至亲自回帖、严肃批示、督察落实。Each net, they all hard treat, recorder, prefect even in person the return card, serious batch show, inspector implementation.

1979年4月24日,时任中宣部长的胡耀邦同志也在批示中予以严历驳斥。On April 24, 1979, Hu Yaobang, Minister of Propaganda of the Central Committee of CPC then, also criticized it severely in his comments.

事故发生后,党中央、国务院领导高度重视,作出重要批示。After the accident, the CPC Central Committee and State Council attaches great importance to the leadership, made important instructions.

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2007年元月30日“重庆火凤凰”创意获原市委书记汪洋“此举富于想象,很有创意”重要批示。January 30th, 2007 The idea of the Chongqing Fire Phoenix got the vital instruction "This idea is full of imagination and very creative."

督促检查有关重要会议决定事项和领导同志重要批示落实情况。to supervise and inspect the implementation of resolution items of important meetings and important directives of Administration leasers.

一定要精确的按照配方奶包装上的批示来冲调配方奶,不要用其它东西除了蒸馏水来冲调配方奶。Always follow the exact directions on the can of powdered or concentrated formula, and never mix formula with anything but distilled water.