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这座是正殿。This is the main hall.

其中正殿规模最大,是主体建筑。The primary hall is the largest building.

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正殿后面是方丈和僧人的住处。Behind the hall is the residence of the abbot and monks.

在正殿的东西廊中有大型壁画。In the main hall of things in the gallery has large murals.

我继续走去,来到一扇通往大寺正殿的拱门前面。I pursued my walk to an arched door opening to the interior of the abbey.

现在佛光寺的正殿为唐代所建。Now for the main hall of the Buddha Temple was built in the Tang Dynasty.

进入皇宫时先要在入口大厅等候,由人带领进入正殿。You have to wait in a large entrance hall before being shown into the court proper.

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进入院门先来看正殿,这儿供奉的是送子观音坐像。In its main hall, there enshrined a sitting statue of Avaloktesvara sending a child.

建筑分正殿、寝宫、东殿、西殿、东廊、西廊6个部分。The main hall, the palace, the construction points, west east temple, east gallery, house gallery 6 parts.

宫殿由朝外的置有王座的正殿的和内苑所组成,每座宫殿各自构成完整独立的建筑。The palaces consist of the outer throne halls and an inner courtyard, each palace forming an architectural whole.

主要建筑有皇史宬门、正殿、东西配殿、御碑亭等,四周围以朱墙。Building a major imperial history Cheng door, the main hall, things Peidian, Royal Beiting, surrounded by Zhu wall.

穿过正殿,可见一道直立的山崖,山崖下面的这个山洞是由人工开凿而成,这就是东观音洞。Through the main hall, you can see a vertical cliff, the cave cut on the cliff was called the East Avalokitesvara Cave.

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正殿面宽五间,门的形制为蒙古包式的壸门形式,富有元代游牧民族的统治气息。The main hall five wide, door structure of Mongolia package type pot door form, with Yuan Dynasty nomadic rule atmosphere.

形成“正殿高大而重院深藏”的格局,巍峨壮观,具有汉、满、蒙、藏民族的特色。A "large main hall and re-buried homes, " the pattern of towering spectacular, with the Han, Manchu, Mongolian, Tibetan characteristics.

第二幕正殿内,平、彭和庞慨叹杜兰朵的冷酷无情,祈求爱情能打动她的心扉并为国家带来和平。Act II Inside the palace, Ping, Pang, and Pong lament Turandot's bloody reign, praying that love will conquer her heart and restore peace.

本文介绍用高分子材料对轩辕宫正殿的不落架加固与保护的方法,及白蚁的防治。The paper introduces the way to consolidate and protect the main hall of Xuanyuan Palace without dismantling, and the way to kill the termite.

林霞赶往整理衣服,众人对罗铁铲的做法表示愤慨,罗金宝命人将他拉到正殿。Lin Xia to finishing clothes, expressed anger at the practice of the people of the shovel, Luo Jinbao life people pull him into the throne room.

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在正殿威廉和玛丽学院在弗吉尼亚州威廉斯堡,在美国被命名为大厦的雷恩在他的荣誉。The main hall at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia , in the United States of America is named The Wren Building in his honor.

正殿主楼的东西两面有含芳阁和缀锦阁,三座建筑以游廊相连,并与前庭的两庑相接。The principal hall flanked by Hanfang Pavilion and Zhuijin Pavilion connecting each other via a corridor, links with the two verandas in the fore-court.

有正殿三间,原祀檀木精雕真武和铜铸三官神像,均属珍贵文物,可惜在十年浩劫中被毁。There are three main hall, the original force and true worship ebony carved statue of bronze three officers, are precious cultural relics, unfortunately almost be destroyed.