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爱一个人,是苦尽甘来的。Love a person, is the sunshine.

常常是苦尽甘来。Sweet are the uses of adversity.

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请相信我,会苦尽甘来的…Please believe me, will thereafter.

艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来。Tough times never last but tough people do.

请您相信儿子,相信我们会苦尽甘来。Please believe a son, believe we will be luck turns after hardship.

辛勤工作好几年后,琼斯先生终于可以苦尽甘来了。After years of hard work, Mr. Jones is finally living on easy street.

正如罗伯特·舒勒所说,“艰苦的时光终将过去,坚强的人必将苦尽甘来。”"Tough times never last but tough people do, " as Robert Schuller says.

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丹·卡彭特说,“丹尼·詹姆斯的出生意味着苦尽甘来。" Danny James, " says Dan Carpenter, " represents triumph over adversity.

也有人说今天的痛苦是为了明天的丰收,苦尽甘来嘛。It was also said that today's pain is for tomorrow's harvest, Gujinganlai just.

毕竟成功来之不易,恭喜他在付出努力后终于苦尽甘来。After all, to succeed is not an easy thing. No sweet without sweat. Congratulation !

我们的教学别开生面,一定会让你耳目一新、苦尽甘来!Our unique teaching will surely bring you freshness and sweetness upon your sweating!

为朋友祈祷,成为转捩点,苦尽甘来。He prayed for his friends and turned things around, enjoyed happiness after long suffering.

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⊙、与困难作斗争,虽然要历尽艰苦,但苦尽甘来,这也是一种乐事。To fight hard, though it is hard to make, but no sweet without sweat, it is also a pleasure.

当面对困难时,如果你克服它们并最终苦尽甘来,你会更加快乐。When things are difficult and if you overcome them and obtain the result, then you enjoy it all the more.

我们是要随心所欲的,但是,苦尽甘来,没有白来的东西。We want to follow one's inclinations of, but, luck turns after hardship, the thing that did not waste time.

苦尽甘来,2014年中国涂料业能否继续回暖,拭目以待。All sufferings have their reward. , 2014 Chinese coating industry can continue to pick up, rub one's eyes and wait.

也许我们现在终于苦尽甘来,在全世界多个领域面临多重危机之际,我们的主张将产生更大反响。Perhaps now, finally, as the world faces multiple crises on multiple fronts, our messages will have greater resonance.

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但苦尽甘来后,当你揭开那沉重的幕纱,你会看清,上帝是公平的,磨难也是一种财富。But after sorrow, when you loose the heavy curtain yarn, you will see, god is fair, suffering is also a kind of wealth.

如果一个人的生活中总是喜悦与快乐,这也是不完整的,苦尽甘来,苦中作乐,也别有一番味道啊!If one's life is full of joyful, that's unintegrity. No sweet without sweat , making merry in hard, it's also another taste.

他看得出,她一生含辛茹苦,如今苦尽甘来,嘴边总是带着温柔、圣洁的微笑。He could see that she had been patient all her life so that now after years of it her lips were set in a gentle and saintly smile.