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因为偏爱古文,所以知识性引用很多。A preference for classical Chinese, so a lot of knowledge of.

顺成街67号庭院的木门上刻着许多古文。On one set of doors of number 67, are carved many characters.

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把这篇古文译成白话文。Paraphrase the ancient Chinese prose in colloquialism language.

独孤及是天宝至大历年间,连接古文先驱与中唐古文家的重要枢纽。Du Gu-ji is treated as an important pivot from Tian-bao to Da-li period.

桐城派主要是一个古文理论批评流派,林纾不完全赞成桐城派这一说法与此有关。But, Ling Shu did not completely approve of the terms of the Tongcheng School.

作为晚唐古文运动的殿军,孙樵在唐代文学史乃至中国文学史上具有较重要的地位。Sun Qiao is the top man of classical Chinese literature movement in late Tang Dynasty.

毕业后,一边教学,一边刻苦钻研古文,研究文字声韵。After graduation, while teaching, study hard while writing, research writing Phonology.

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好钟的钟摆可以古文翻译方法补偿温度变化造成的影响。Good clocks have pendulums which are automatically compensated for temperature changes.

由是刘歆抛弃了其今文旧说,转而宗主古文经学。Was abandoned by its Imafumi old Liu Xin said, instead the sovereign classical classics.

在此背景的观照下,今、古文之争势在必然。Against this background, the contemplation, the modern, classical imperative to struggle.

我教一年级必修科的国文,用的是古文课本。When I taught freshman Chinese as a required course, I used a textbook of classical prose.

今古文经学都是为维护封建统治服务的,这是融合的政治基础。They both served for safeguarding feudal domination, which was the political basis for merger.

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主要表现在他先后两次关于中学古文教学的公开演讲及为清华学生开列的最低国学书目中。This was showed by his two lectures and list of sinology books for students of Tsinghua University.

我早就在每天骑自行车来回我中国古文课的路上把这些故事准备好了。I had it all worked out in my mind, as I biked to and from my ancient Chinese classes day after day.

同时对医古文中英双语教学提出了建议。Meanwhile some suggestions were advanced concerning teaching practice of ancient medical literature.

他曾经留学中国,他是1948年来的中国,在北大学习中国的古文。He once studied in China. He came to China at 1948, and studied the old Chinese at Peking University.

在古文写作上强调文从字顺,反对因袭模仿。In the writing of old prose he approved of the naturalness and fluency and disapproved of the imitation.

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这个体系不以古文的文学性为旨归,而是靠古文的“义理”来维系的。This system does not aim to the Literariness of ancient articles, but to the Moral principle to maintain.

今天见到一个满嘴古文的一个帖子,觉得不外如是。所以小弟不才。Today, to see a mouthful of classical Chinese is a post, I feel nothing special. Bucai so little brother.

所以古代医学有关的语言知识是古代医古文的主要内容。So some ancient medical relevant knowledge of the language is the main content of the ancient ancient medical.