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脚踏溜冰鞋的胡萝卜。A carrot on ice-skates!

约翰是个脚踏两条船的混蛋!John is a two-timing jerk!

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脚踏地,手擎天,他是一个真正的男子汉。Foot, hand tower, he is a real man.

虫被脚踏扁了。The worm was crushed under the feet.

你确定他没有脚踏两只船?Are you sure he is not two-timing you?

她脚踏两只船,我就和她吹了。I dumped her because she two-timed me.

每一个困难都是你的脚踏石。Each of our trouble is a steppingstone.

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你脚踏两只船已经很久了。You have been two-timing for some time.

他粗野地把一只脚踏在椅子上。He wildly stamped the chair with his foot.

脚踏两头要落空。Between two stools one falls to the ground.

不要脚踏两船,要永远说真话。Don't go the shortcut, always tell the truth.

5月11日,一个布隆迪骑车人踩着脚踏冲坡。A Burundian cyclist pedals downhill on May 11.

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他用脚踏泵给橡皮救生艇充气。He inflated the rubber dinghy with a foot pump.

跳跃时滑下脚踏扭到你的脚踝。Slip a pedal off of a jump and blow your ankle.

可视需要选择气动式或电磁式脚踏开关。Either air or solenoid foot switch is available.

脚踏开关用于钻削前的对刀操作。The foot switch is for hole positioning operation.

他告诉我,脚踏泵真是上天的恩赐。He told me that the treadle pump was a gift from God.

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当你开始踩脚踏时,电动车轮便开始转动。The motorized wheel turns on when you start pedaling.

有钱仔掐着忧郁伟的脖子,脚踏悬崖边。Dandy grabs Daniel by the neck, standing near the cliff.

人,就应当像“人”字一样,永远向上而双脚踏地。People, be like "people" word, always up and feet tread.