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现在谁能力挽狂澜?Who can now tell them apart?

尽管队友如此,我还是力挽狂澜。Even with this team, I managed to win.

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那么民主党将如何力挽狂澜呢?So how could Democrats salvage things?

就像臭蛋中的星星糖一样,她是能够力挽狂澜的奇迹。The miracle, likes a star candy, which turns the tide.

乔津帆帮公司力挽狂澜,董事们对他另眼相看。QiaoJinFan help company tide, the directors look favourably upon him.

而唯有俄罗斯人民和军队的英雄气概方能力挽狂澜,获取胜利。And only the heroism of Russian people and the army could turn the tide of events.

我已经研究在许多变化中打成这副牌,庄家始终可以在最后力挽狂澜。I won't go into the many variations, but declarer can always prevail in the ending.

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剪刀般锋芒毕露的尾巴,让它得以乘风破浪、力挽狂澜。Scissor-like sharp tail facilitates it to ride wind , break waves and draw billows.

这尤其在第一回合里体现出来,然后在第二回合他们就很难力挽狂澜了。This was especially in the first legs, then the second legs were not enough to recover.

双方都有能力挽狂澜的高手,有世界上最好的门将。In both games they had a giant in the goal who saved everything and performed like the best keeper in the world.

你为自己一手创造的“缺憾”而郁闷,试着更加努力力挽狂澜。You get upset for the "imperfections" you've sole-handedly created and tries to make it up by working even harder.

你为自己一手创造的“缺憾”而郁闷,试着更加努力力挽狂澜。You get upset for the “imperfections” you've sole-handedly created and tries to make it up by working even harder.

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从名气上看,总部设在迈阿密和科罗拉多州Boulder的Crispin也许真的可以力挽狂澜。By reputation, Crispin, based in Miami and Boulder, Colorado, might be the one agency that could pull off such a miracle.

中国犹如中流砥柱,力挽狂澜,使全球目光,再次聚焦于东方。Functioning like a mainstay that makes vigorous endeavors to turn the tide, China, once again, draws global attention to the East.

在去年斯图尔特夫人成为了选举当晚的女英雄,她力挽狂澜,保住了保守党预期中本应风雨飘摇的在埃德巴斯顿的一席之地。Ms Stuart became an election-night heroine last year for holding off an expected swing to the Conservatives in her Edgbaston seat.

中国犹如中流砥柱,力挽狂澜,使全球目光,再次聚焦于东方。Functioning like a mainstay that makes vigorous endeavors to turn the tide, China, once again, draws global attraction to the East.

到那时,这些大规模杀伤性金融武器的瓦解速度之快,远远超出了任何人的控制能力,无人能够力挽狂澜了。By then, these weapons of mass destruction were unraveling at suchvelocity, it was beyond anyone’s ability to alter the course of events.

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德米特里一世和安条克七世即使想力挽狂澜也无法阻止王朝终结的命运,西元前64年毁在罗马的庞培手中。The efforts of Demetrius I and Antiochus VII could not forestall the dynasty's inevitable end at the hands of the Roman Pompey the Great in 64 BC.

最完美的例子当然是迪迪埃·德罗巴,这个赛季里他不止一次用他的进球和无私的跑动力挽狂澜、救球队于危难。The perfect example was of course Didier Drogba , who has saved the team with his goals so often this season as well as with his selfless running.

闭幕式前几个小时,中国女排在连输两局的情况下力挽狂澜,击败韩国,收获本届亚运最后一枚金牌。Hours before the closing ceremony, the Chinese women's volleyball team rallied from two sets down to beat South Korea to win the last gold of the Games.