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评审这个模型。Review the model.

美国设计优秀奖是如何评审的?How are judges selected for IDEA?

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1994年被评审为高级律师。Senior lawyer authorized in 1994.

他是那次选美比赛的一名评审。He was a judge at the beauty contest.

这个记录应该包含评审的日期。The record should contain a review date.

通过评审规格来评估状态。Assess status by reviewing specifications.

同侪评审需要深化为同侪压力。Peer review will need to be peer pressure.

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采用轻量级,工具支持的代码评审Adopt lightweight, tool-assisted code reviews

我通常会使用它去评审发生改变的代码。I often use it to review code that is changing.

最后评审将给予每队各二分钟的判决。Judges will then each render a 2-minute verdict.

上周我在广州参与金犊奖的评审工作。I was in Guangzhou judging the Golden Calf Awards.

你所发表的经过同行评审的研究成果有多少?How much peer-reviewed research have you published?

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您的申请将不获评审没有图像。Your application will not be juried without images.

代码评审的全体会议是不支持的。In-person meetings for code review were not allowed.

评审的决定是最终结果,无可辩驳。The decision of the jury is final and incontestable.

全部参赛作品由11人评审委员会评判。There are to be 11 members on the judging committee.

用代码评审解释这一点可能需要点技巧。Explaining that one in a code review could be tricky.

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通过了2003年上海火炬计划评审。Passed the examine and approve of shanghai torch plan.

对于网站评审和开发都是非常有帮助的。It is great and helps in website review and development.

另一类型的评审是阶段和里程碑评审。Another type of review is the phase and milestone review.