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我们必须进入没脚的泥塘。We had to step in mud over our ankles.

把雪橇拖进泥塘里,害得我们糟了殃。Pull a sled into the mud, so we worse calamity.

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在这漫长的六月里-冲着崇拜它的泥塘-鼓噪。To tell your name–the livelong June–To an admiring Bog!

黑白的世界把思想推入沼泽泥塘。Black and white world of thinking into the marsh mud lake.

我们见到小孩洗澡和喝水都在一个泥塘。We saw small children bathing in and drinking from a muddy puddle.

经过治理,这片烂泥塘成了漂亮的荷花塘。The muddy pond changed into a beautiful lotus pond after harnessing.

一个喝醉的赶车人赶大车,掉进了一个湿漉漉的泥塘里。A drunken driver drove the dray, and dropped into a drenched muddy pond.

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今朝,驻伊美军人次约为15.5万,直到现在尚不知何时才气开脱泥塘。S. troops in Iraq is about 155,000 so far still do not know when to get out of the quagmire.

烂泥塘水面漂浮着各种垃圾,散发出熏人的恶臭。The rotten bog water surface is floating each kind of trash, sends out smokes person's odor.

社会网络网站FACEBOOK发现自己陷在版权侵权的泥塘之中。Social networking site Facebook has found itself embroiled in new row over copyright infringement.

随季节淹没的低地,带有比湿地多的木质植物,比泥塘的排水要好。A seasonally flooded bottomland with more woody plants than a marsh and better drainage than a bog.

多没劲啊非得争个名人地位,抛头露面像一只青蛙,在这漫长的六月里,冲着崇拜它的泥塘鼓噪。How dreary to be somebody, How public---like a frog---To tell your name the livelong June, To an admiring bog.

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而在埃及,太阳挂在葱绿的棕搁树上,暖和极了,还有躺在泥塘中的鳄鱼懒洋洋地环顾着四周。In Egypt the sun is warm on the green palm-trees, and the crocodiles lie in the mud and look lazily about them.

问题是不管你支不支持伊拉克,现在的伊拉克就是个泥塘,这些老兵们都在问自己“之前自己参加伊拉克战争有意义吗?”The point is, whether you agreed with Iraq or not, it is now a fact and vetsare asking themselves, "what was all that for"?

黄石公园保留着地球早期的模样,有冒着热气的湖水和滚烫冒泡的泥塘。Yellowstone Park. Like a reminder of early Earth, it has steaming lakes, and hot mud pools that erupt at burning temperatures.

另一家时正陷入泥塘的思科系统公司,本月初思科又裁员6500人。On the other hand is Cisco Systems Inc.which has been struggling for some time now. Earlier this week it cut another 6 500 jobs.

所有打了饭菜的人,都用草帽或胳膊肘护着碗,趔趔趄趄穿过烂泥塘般的院坝,跑回自己的宿舍去了。All who had got their meals covered the bowls with straw hat or arms while stumbling across the muddy courtyard to the dormitories.

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我低垂着头,几乎可以碰到膝盖。最重要的是,我恨不得能融化到泥塘里从门下流走。My head hung so low, it nearly touched my knees. More than anything, I wanted to melt into a puddle and trickle away under the door.

介绍盐田港二期工程泥塘区地基处理过程中,沉降曲线图解法在推算固结度中的应用以及处理效果。What is introduced in this paper is the application of asaoka method for phase II project of yantian port and its foundation treatment effect.

农业人力资源研究所的顾问俞东顺说,灌木植物在潮湿的酸性环境中生长茂盛,比如在沼泽地或泥塘。Yu Dong-sool, an advisor at the Agriculture Human Resources Development Institute, says the shrub thrives in moist, acidic conditions, such as swamps or bogs.