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有条有理会使你赢得时间。Method will teach you to win time.

"我希望他们能有劲儿往一处使,有条有理地处理问题,"里德说."We want them to get their act together," Reid said.

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耶金的分析有条有理,绝不强硬武断。Yergin is careful in his analysis and never polemical.

每个人都希望所有的事情有条有理,但是很少人有充足的时间来做。Everyone wants to be organized, but few people have the time.

便利在总体含义上一切东西干净,整洁,有条有理。Disposability goes along with the idea of everything being very cleanneatordered.

在我的梦里,所有其他的学生都处事有条有理,而我是唯一的呆子。In my dream, all the other kids had it together and I was the only one who was the nerd.

克莱伦斯的法子倒是不错,又简朴,又庄严,而且直接了当,有条有理。Clarence 's way was good. It was simple, it was dignified, it was direct and businesslike.

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便利在总体含义上要求一切东西干净,整洁,有条有理。Disposability goes along with the idea of everything being very clean and neat and ordered.

便利在总体含义上要求一切东西干净、整齐、有条有理。Disposability goes along with the whole idea of everything being very clean and neat and ordered.

电子化的市政资料一旦建立好了,电脑化的注册处就可以有条有理、井然有序地服务。Once established, the computerised registry was instructed to handle orders on a first-in, first-out basis.

最近的研究显示,在一个整洁、有条有理的家庭长大的孩子在学业上的表现更好。Recent studies have shown that, in a neat, orderly families with children grew up to perform better in school.

驱车行进在无边无际的旷野,山峦被有条有理的葡萄藤覆盖,真是太神奇了。It is amazing to drive past fields which seem to go on forever or whole hills covered with neat rows of grapevines.

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因此在这项任务前面做一个现实的评估是适时的,而且一个有条有理的方法是最可能成功的。A realistic appraisal of the task ahead is therefore timely , and a businesslike approach is the one most likely to succeed.

他们的报告既有条有理又充满学术上的诚恳之意,相比过去八年那些遮遮掩掩堆砌数学的报告是一个有益的改变。Their report is reasonable and intellectually honest, which is a welcome change from the fuzzy math of the last eight years.

我前次所看到的主要是全国的游客都有条有理的排队观赏每一个馆在2010世博会上。The thing I saw last time was mainly that tourists nationwide all queue up for each pavilion in great order inside the 2010 World Expo Park.

思想观点当然应当安排得有条有理,如果可能的话,最引人注意的段落应该放在论文的开始或结尾或两者兼而有之。Ideas should, of course, be arranged in logical sequence, and, if possible, the most striking paragraph should be placed at the beginning or the end or both.

小老鼠的家很大,里边有条有理地摆放著用椰子壳做的床,用核桃壳、花生壳做的各种储粮东西。Little Mouse's house a lot, inside methodically placed in a bed made with coconut shell with walnut shells, peanut shells do all kinds of things stored grain.

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这些人不久便很乐意把工作做好,保持自身整洁,按时做功课,养成斯斯文文有条有理的习惯。These soon took a pleasure in doing their work well, in keeping their persons neat, in learning their tasks regularly, in acquiring quiet and orderly manners.

科里就是有这个本事,能够把党内保守派、温和派往往都各不相让的利益结合在一起,做出一份有条有理的政策报告,令克林顿大为赞赏。Curry impressed Clinton with his ability to fashion a coherent policy message that synthesized the often conflicting interests of the party's traditional and moderate wings.

要出国门,当然要精心准备一番,特别是“金银细软”一定要打点得有条有理才能把钱花得明白、花得放心。To go door, and of course to make careful preparations made, especially the "gold and silver valuables" must appear to be methodically to understand the money, spent assured.