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那是1925年的圣诞前后。It was Christmastime 1925.

体例前后不一致。The style is inconsistent.

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他的帽子前后戴歪了。His hat is on wrong side to.

这里的关键是要前后一致。The key is to be consistent.

午夜前后开始下雪。The snow began about midnight.

前后一致的使用证据。Be consistent with your evidence.

我将在圣诞节前后去拜访你。I will visit you around Christmas.

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他的态度是前后一致的。He was consistent in his attitudes.

我将于圣诞节前后去看你。I'll go to see you round Christmas.

在你工作的前后你都做了什么?What do you do before and after work?

我们船将系前后浮筒。We will moor to buoys ahead and astern.

让学生看卡通,然后前后四个一组,表演动画。C. Watch the cartoon, and try to act it.

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这项论证前后不连贯。The argument doesn't hang together well.

你用隐喻时,前后不能混为一谈。When you use metaphor, do not mix it up.

此滤镜用于将两段或多段视频前后相接成一段视频。Joins two or more video clips end to end.

然而德国也犯有前后不一致的毛病。Yet Germany too is guilty of incoherence.

他喜好前后反穿他的长领毛衣。He likes to wear his turtleneck backwards.

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每次使用前后检查咬牙。Inspect teether before and after each use.

不要在人家吃饭时间前后去造访。Never make a call at meal time thereabout.

这房子前后窗都是双层的。The house is double-glazed back and front.