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这是我们的使命。That is our mission.

融乐会的使命?。What is our mission?

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你的使命是什么?What’s your mission?

波尔克觉得他已经完成了他的使命。Polk felt he had done his duty.

我深切地信奉这一使命。I believe deeply in that mission.

每一天都有每一天的新使命。Each day has its own new promises.

带着爱的温柔使命去汝国。In tender embassy of love to thee.

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远景,热情,是我们的使命。Vission and Passion Is OurMission.

我也交给他们一个在世上的使命。I give them a mission in the world.

我认为这是一项高尚的使命。I think that is a virtuous mission.

然后她会走开,她的使命完成了。Then, she walks away, her job done.

那是个短期的特殊使命。That was a short special assignment.

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他们一定肩负着某种特殊使命。They must have some special mission.

赫伯特能不能完成使命?Was Herbert able to fulfill the task?

你的使命带给你人生意义Your mission gives your life meaning.

他去日本负有特殊使命。He went to Japan on a special mission.

你的使命是-份美好的特权Your mission is a wonderful privilege.

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我的使命就是要拯救所有的生灵。My mission is to save all living things.

你看这项安装使命如何?Whin do you think of this erection work?

我们每个人都在生活中的特殊使命。Each of us has a special mission in life.