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新的TFS示例。New TFS Samples.

从一个示例开始。Start with an example.

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从示例中学习。Learn from the samples.

产品文档和示例程序。Documentations and samples.

另一个示例是报告。Another example is reporting.

请接着参看后面的示例。You will see an example next.

我必须加深这个示例的难度。I must obfuscate this example.

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关于赌场中扑克牌桌的示例The Casino Poker Table example

示例能清楚地说明这一点。An example will make this clear.

以下是一些示例清单。Below are some sample checklists.

我在示例中使用的是动词形式。I use a verb form in the example.

稍后您可以看到一个示例。You see an example of this later.

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我在这里只列举了一个示例。I’ve only listed one example here.

一个典型的示例就是鼠标键。A classic example is mouse buttons.

上面的示例定义了一条国际化消息。The above defines one i18n message.

以下是不利于搜索引擎的重定向示例。Below are examples of bad redirects.

下面是这些方法的示例。Below are examples of these methods.

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这段主题是一个精彩的示例It's a wonderful example of a theme.

菜单项的示例是一个不错的例子。The menu item example is a good one.

添加了两个新的TFS示例。Two new TFS samples have been added.