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气象学家预报,今夏将风调雨顺。The weather scientists predicted a fine summer.

去年风调雨顺,作物长势良好。Last year the weather was favourable and the crops were doing well.

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假如风调雨顺,农民将获得丰收。Farmers will have a good harvest, assuming the weather is favorable.

老师是辛勤的园丁,祝愿您风调雨顺、瓜果飘香。The teacher is hard gardener, and wish you good, melon and fruit fragrance.

假如风调雨顺,今年农民将获丰收。Assuming that the weather is favourable, farmers will have a bumper harvest.

春节是中国的传统佳节,阖家团圆,举国欢庆,人们祈盼风调雨顺,国泰民安。The Chinese New Year is a time for family reunions and national celebration.

再拜春夏和秋冬,风调雨顺五谷丰!——三鞠躬!Ask of spring and summer and autumn and winter, the weather grain feng! -- three bow!

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今年风调雨顺,对农民非常有利。The farmers are much favorably circumstanced by the good weather for crops this year.

人们庆祝这个节日,祈求一年风调雨顺好收成。They celebrate this holiday in hopes of fair weather and a good crop yield in the coming year.

我象往常一样高高兴兴地去上学,就好象一切正常,风调雨顺。I'd go into class jolly as usual, acting like things were going just great, and no one, not even Mr.

如果每一个人都能彰显其原始的德性,自然的运作就能避免超出正轨,风调雨顺。If everyone could highlight his original virtue, the operation of Nature would be set on right and smooth path.

他们最渴望的生活便是风调雨顺,他们只想也只要这样平凡的生活。Of life they desire is the most favorable weather, they just want to have as long as such an extraordinary life.

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在有些地区人们沿袭过去祭祖敬神活动,祈求新的一年风调雨顺,平安、丰收。In some areas it adheres to its old ancestors worship, pray for the new year favorable weather, peace, good harvest.

此节庆要持续三天,在此期间,人们要谢神并祈求来年风调雨顺。The festival lasts three days, during which people thank the gods and pray for a good harvest and fortune in the upcoming year.

为青蛙举行婚礼是当地习俗,以求风调雨顺、五谷丰登。The frog marriage is a traditional ritual observed by the rural folk to appease Gods to bring in rain and ensure a good harvest.

迎合了人们对风调雨顺,五谷丰登,安居乐业,富裕小康的追求。Has catered to the people to the good crop weather, bumper grain harvest, enjoys a good and prosperous life, wealthy well-off pursue.

举行龙舟赛能够避灾躲祸有助于风调雨顺——而人们崇拜的对象就是龙。The race was held to avert misfortune and encourage the rains needed for prosperity ---- and the object of their worship was the dragon.

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斋天即祭天,是大规模的祭祀仪式,祈求上天给予风调雨顺、五谷丰登的活动。Vegetarian day of worship of Heaven, is a large-scale sacrificial ceremony to pray for God to give good weather, bumper grain harvest activities.

这些神灵都是保佑圩区风调雨顺、为农业、渔业消灾避难的庇护之神。All the Gods were protecting ones, saving polder district from any disasters and providing agriculture and fishery there with refuges and shelters.

尽管上世纪六十年代早期不同寻常的风调雨顺让非洲人口呈现了扩张之势,但1968年至1974年的持续干旱又让10多万人死于饥荒。Although unusually good rains shielded an expanding population in the early 1960s, in 1968 came a drought that lasted until 1974. More than 100, 000 people died.