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松懈的保安措施使小偷有机可乘。Lax security allowed the thieves to enter.

九妹不愿让金珠有机可乘,只说自己是出去走一走。Nine younger sister dont want to let Kim annul, said he is only go for a walk.

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这可能会破坏响应,但不应让从客户端发起的攻击有机可乘。This might break the response but should not open attack vectors against the client.

他说,奥巴马迟迟不达成增兵的决定已造成“混乱”,还说这不仅使美国盟友忧心忡忡,还导致局势反复无常,让塔利班有机可乘。He said it not only worried US allies but created uncertainty the Taliban could exploit.

由于泰国人平日喜欢穿军队制服样式的服装,政府担心这可能让恐怖分子有机可乘。Such clothes are popular in the country, which, the Council fears, may be exploited by terrorists.

在这些地区发动袭击可以引发敌对性反应,灌输穆斯林被围困的感觉让基地组织有机可乘。Attacks there can provoke a backlash, feeding a sense of Muslim beleaguerment for al-Qaeda to exploit.

但往往正是人类的弱点让黑客们有机可乘,得以轻松盗取账户。But more often than not, it is human weaknesses that give hackers the simplest route to compromising accounts.

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阿贝罗阿与利物浦还有一年合同,这让我们有机可乘。“巴尔达诺说道。"The lad only has a year left on his contract with Liverpool and this gives us more possibilities, " added Valdano.

最近的一些事件证明了大量公司的财务过程使管理者有机可乘。Recent events prove that financial processes in a number of companies gave management opportunity to usurp controls.

由于伤病,利物浦没有他们队中最优秀的队员,雷德克纳普认为他的球队有机可乘。The Reds will be without their two best players due to injury and Redknapp is looking for his side to take advantage.

睡眠障碍如何将一名无辜人变成一位残暴的凶手,这起案件又会不会为罪犯捅开了有机可乘的法律漏洞?But how does a sleep disorder turn aninnocentman into a violent killer, and will the case open a loopholefor theguilty?

所有的球员都到了球场的另一遍,就留下空档让对方有机可乘进了一个球。With all the players down at the other end of the field they left themselves wide open for the other team to score a goal.

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遗憾的是会计人员或审计人员未尽把关的责任,致管理当局有机可乘。The author also regrets that the accountant or auditors have not fulfilled their duty to prevent the managers from doing so.

但在由诺基亚长期统治的中低端手机市场方面,如果三星速度快点,就有机可乘了。But in the mid to low price ranges, where Nokia reigns supreme right now, there’s a market to be had. If Samsung move quickly.

认为关税非法地侵犯了古代的自由,固此只要有机可乘,就毫不顾忌地逃避关税。Regarding duties as an unjust aggression upon their ancient liberties, made no scruple to elude them whenever it was possible to do so.

这让伪造药或非法药物销售者有机可乘,将这些药片销售给绝望的,想要保持健康的HIV阳性者。This left the door open for dealers to sell fake or illegally obtained pills to HIV positive people desperate to maintain their health.

进而文章分析了中国科学基金的运行机制,发现在这个机制下科学不端行为有机可乘。And then, the article tries to analyse the operation mechanism of NSFC and find misconduct which has a crack to squeeze through in this mechanism.

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当时我只是想自己应该帮她,因为如果我不担心她,或者看到那样的情况而没去帮她而让坏人有机可乘的话我会感到内疚的。Actually I just thought I had to help her because if I didnt Iwould worry about her or feel guilty if something happened to her since I had seen her.

虽然翻译不可避免的影响了审问的连续性继而使被告有机可乘,但机敏过人的索南费尔特先生却在一定程度上弥补了这一不足。Translation inevitably slowed the questions, allowing the accused to develop their denials. But Mr Sonnenfeldt's sharpness made up, in part, for that.

虽然翻译不可避免的影响了审问的连续性继而使被告有机可乘,但机敏过人的索南费尔特先生却在一定程度上弥补了这一不足。Translation inevitably slowed the questions, allowing the accused to develop their denials. But Mr Sonnenfeldt’s sharpness made up, in part, for that.