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清初顺治年间,在京城实行“满汉分城居住”。Shunzhi of the Qing Dynasty, in the capital of "Man-Han-city living."

结语部分,对顺治朝政治特点作了简单的小结。In conclusion, the political characteristic of Shunzhi Dynasty was summed up simply.

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顺治前期,广州的政治局势非常混乱,正是在这个时期传教士获得了在广州建堂传教的权利。In the early years of the rule of Shunzhi, the political situation of Canton was very chaotic.

清初顺治康熙年间,江南地区天主教传教事业尤为发达。During Early Qing, the Shunzhi and Kangxi eras, the Christianity spread prosperously in many areas in Jiangnan.

清代顺治元年更名靖远卫,雍正八年改称靖远县。Junji the first year of the Qing Dynasty changed its name Wei Jingyuan, Yongzheng was renamed eight years Jingyuan County.

顺治初年,清王朝下令汉民与满族一样蓄发,易衣冠,概从满洲制。Shunzhi the early years of the Qing Dynasty ordered the Han and Manchu hair as easily dressed, over the system from the Manchu.

顺治通宝重初定位每文一钱,后改为一钱二分、一钱四分、一钱二分五。Shunzhi TongBao heavy orientation at the beginning of each view of money, a money, money after four points, a binary five money.

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第二章对顺治康熙时期广州天主教的发展作了系统考察。Chapter II systematically investigates the development of Canton Catholicism under the rule of Emperor Shunzhi and Emperor Kangxi.

第四章,探讨了顺治朝对江南地区的思想文化控制策略问题。In chapter four, the strategy was studied, which was taken by Shunzhi Dynasty to control the ideology and culture of jiangnan area.

顺治通宝的币型未能统一,按照背文可分为五种,也就是“顺治五式”。Shunzhi TongBao coin type failed to unify, back in accordance with the article can be divided into five kinds, namely "five shunzhi type".

宛宁换上太监服去会见静儿但半路碰到顺治,急忙躲开,顺治觉得面熟便跟了过去。WanNing change into the eunuch suit to meet with static son but halfway met shunzhi, hurriedly dodge, shunzhi feel familiar with the past.

顺治以后,八旗世爵世职及其子弟任官的特权仍通过一些制度体现出来并得以历朝相沿。After Shun Zhi period, their and their son's and their brother's privileges of being official were expressed in some institutions and handed down.

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从1644年清朝顺治皇帝入主北京,到1840年鸦片战争爆发,清朝前期的统治长达190多年。The early reign of the Qing Dynasty lasted over 190 years from Emperor Shunzhi's entry into Beijing in 1644 to the outbreak of the Opium War in 1840.

接下来阐述清廷对朋党政治的打击和防范,并提及了顺治朝发生的几次文字狱。Then, it described that Qing government prevented and cracked down the party politics, and it presented the Literary Inquisition of the Shunzhi Dynasty.

顺治皇帝也看到它的结构在未来的几年中都将是首都的最高点,这在军事上是一个有利的条件。Emperor Shun Zhi also saw in this towering structure, which would be the highest in the capital for many years to come, a vantage point with military significance.

本文主要从多尔衮摄政这一时期对皇太极制定的朝鲜政策的继承与调整以及其个人对政策实施的影响两个层面来阐述天聪年间至顺治初年的清廷对朝政策。This paper discusses Duoergun's inheritance and adjustment to Huangtaiji's Korean policy as well as his individual influence upon the policy implementation in his regent period.

明代琉球汉诗今已不存,清代琉球汉诗,自顺治年间开始,风行二百年。There are no vestiges of Chinese-language poetry in Ryukyu during Ming Dynasty while it had been in fashion for two hundred years in Qing Dynasty starting from Emperor Shuzhi's Reign.

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顺治年时,“龙兴之地”的盛京地区农业歉收,清廷为恢复生产,采取了重新分配旗地,鼓励满族返回盛京,招汉人出关开垦等措施。The imperial government during Shunzhi's time reallocated land to Bannermen, encouraged Manchus to return to Shengjing, and called for Han Chinese to open up land outside of Shanhaiguan.

逃人问题是顺治与康熙前期的一个重大社会问题,然而涉及这一社会问题的文学作品却寥寥无几,且内容简略。The fugitive is a very serious social problem in the period of Emperor Shunabi and the early period of Emperor Kangxi. However, few literary works involves it. If there is, it is very brief.

天聪时,部院等文职衙署设立后,他们又充斥并操纵部院要害部门,直到顺治中期,以世职集团为核心的清初政局还呈现着鲜明的贵族政治特色。Until middle of Shun Zhi period , aristocracy was also the brilliant characteristic of Qing Dynasty's early political situation in which Nobility Rank Group were the nucleus of the government.