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但是死神很狡猾。But Death was cunning.

死神在敲门,接近死亡。He banged at the door.

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我从死神那里买的。I bought it from Azrael.

是谁创造了死神先生?Who invented the Dr. Death?

纯白色的死神?The pure white god of death ?

心死神活,我并不依记忆维生。Myself, I don't live by memory.

当那古老的最高统治着,死神。When that old imperator, Death.

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死神,把厌烦我的生命攫取。And take a Life that wearies me.

死神不问贫富,一视同仁。Death is no respecter of wealth.

我无法逃脱死神。I cannot escape the Grim Reaper.

死神处处皆在,而孩子们在戏耍。Death is abroad and children play.

为死神驱使,施展魔鬼的舞技!Driven by Death in a devilish dance!

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时光飞逝,知道死神的到来。How time flied. Death god came to Ali.

跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的合同!A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

跟贪婪的死神订立一份永久的契约!A dateless bargain to engrossing death!

又叹息一声,将死神骂詈。And sighing it again, exclaims on Death.

打倒影狼佐!死神,全力战斗。Defeat Kageroza! Shinigami, All-Out War!

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她烧伤、骨折,与死神檫肩而过。She was burned, crushed, and near death.

我就盼死神来了结我的天年。Then look I death my days should expiate.

哦,对不起国王,我不应该说死神。Oh I'm sorry king, I shouldn't say Azrael.