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空气里长年累月充满着缭绕不绝的浓烟和蒸气。Clouds of smoke and steam filled the air for ever and ever.

翻译大瀑布长年累月地冲刷着巨石。The cataract is flattening the huge stone all the year round.

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他长年累月在大西北从事野外工作。Year in year out he has been doing fieldwork in the Northwest.

经过长年累月的风吹日晒,那座古塔依然竖立在那里。The ancient tower still stops up,exposed to the weather for ages.

这位作家渊博的学问来自长年累月的钻研。The profound erudition of the writer came from long years of study.

但这样做的同时,他们也在将中国经济拖向长年累月的停滞。Yet in doing so, they are condemning their economy to years of stagnation.

现在我们知道,那些冰冷的陨石坑更像是一个长年累月深埋于地下室内的大冰库。Now we know those cold craters are more like an old deep freeze that's in the basement.

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短期上看,默多克和他的新闻集团将会经历长年累月的围攻。In short, the Murdochs and News Corp. are going to be besieged for months and years to come.

设计是一门精深的技艺,没有任何东西可以代替长年累月的、大量的代码实践。Design is a deep skill, and there's no substitute for writing code and living with it for years.

内爆型就是那位长年累月沉默寡言的收银员,直到最后某天端起机枪射杀店里的每一个人。Implosive is the cashier who remains quiet, day after day and finally shoots everyone in the store.

对古典音乐技巧的娴熟掌握需要优越的智力,磨砺,以及长年累月的训练,"他写道."“Mastery of classical technique required superior intelligence, discipline and years of training, ” he writes.

可那个中央情报局官员怎么有机会长年累月地为莫斯科提供机密情报,并得到几百万美元的报酬中饱私囊呢?How come this guy could spy for Russia for so long and feather his own nest with millions of dollars for Moscow?

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但适应力也是我们在长年累月地与各种艰难困苦作斗争中不断积累经验,并伴随年龄自然成长起来的。But it also develops naturally with age as we accumulate wisdom from years of coping with challenging situations.

凯特的父亲,迈克尔•米德尔顿身上则有一种专业人士长年累月积累下来的对生活闲适、放松的气质。Kate’s father Michael’s more relaxed approach to life is put down to his coming from a long line of professional people.

烟草公司一如既往地被威胁将增收税款和增加销售限制,于是长年累月榜上有名。Tobacco companies are routinely threatened with every tax and sales restriction going, and are perennial fixtures on the list.

所有的石头都十分圆滑,这是水长年累月对岩洞内部不断冲击和打磨的结果。All the stones are smooth and round, telling an endless of history of water steadily forming and reforming the cave’s interior.

薇芸有个相恋十年的男友刘国栋,国栋长年累月在不同的国家工作,二人聚少离多。Eu non-success a boyfriend LiuGuoDong of ten years, the years working in different countries, two people together from much less.

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这些工厂长年累月地暴露在潮湿,污垢,灰尘,油脂和故障的环境中,给公司运营造成了大量的资金损失。The plants are permanently exposed to moisture, dirt, dust, oil and grease and failures cost the operating company a great deal of money.

我们长年累月在惊恐中度日,还累及更从亲朋好友等也处于不安定,以为真在出事的精神折磨中!Our years of living in fear, but also involving more from friends and family also are not stable, that really in trouble in the mental torture!

通常是有个老大爷,长年累月地站在一块一米见方的地方,摇着一口大锅,锅里盛满了细细的黑色沙粒和零星的栗子。Usually, it's an old man standing at a place about one square meter large, keeping stirring in a big iron pot full of chestnuts and black sands.