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据传说是未必尽然的。Legend says they were not.

两个人未必就是一对。Every couple is not a pair.

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他未必知道。He doesn't necessarily know.

承顺者未必是忠诚。Subservience is not loyalty.

因为这个答案未必正确。Because it isn't necessarily.

但是时机可能未必成熟。But the time may not be ripe.

闪闪发光的未必都是黄金。All is not gold that glitters.

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闪闪发光者,未必皆黄金。All is not gold that glitters.

闪闪发光者未必都是金。All that glitters is not gold.

闪光的东西,未必都是金子。All that glitters is not gold.

我今后未必还认得你。I may not evermore acknowledge thee.

母牛所产的未必全是黄油。Not all butter that the cow yields.

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轻歌曼舞未必快乐。All are not merry that dance lightly.

这样的情况未必是我们想要的。This is not necessarily what we want.

我们未必矢志坚持任何硬性方案。We are committed to no rigid formula.

在这些情况下,CBM未必便会有用。In such cases CBM is unlikely to work.

烟囱冒烟处,未必酒菜香。The stove chimney discharged dark smoke.

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这里未必就是你旅行的终点。This need not be the end of the journey.

忧愁本身未必有益。Sorrow itself is not necessarly beneficial.

拥有财富未必一定幸福。To possess wealth is not always to be happy.