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她胡锂胡锂有时运微笑以一数字和甜。She had a slim figure and sweet smile.

最终战胜了死亡,时运,还有你,时间。Triumphing over Death, and Chance, and thee, O Time.

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时运随着你自身的改善而改善。Your luck improves with the improvement of yourself.

而他解释时运用的大多是物理的法则。And he defines it almost in terms of laws of physics.

弗兰时运不济,但现在的时机非常适合苏亚雷斯。It worked against Forlan. It should work in favor of Suarez.

我们有一台万一断电时运用的备用发电机。We haudio-videoe an auxiliary generator in case of power cuts.

据说当时时运将至,新昌皇族即将有出头之日。It's said that Yang's royal family would have it's time by then.

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“我的时运终将到来,”它说,“我是不会长久被埋没的。"My time will come," it said. "I was not made to be hidden forever.

当时运用尽,他们只有公布坏的结果,然后被解雇And when their luck runs out, they'll post bad results and get fired.

这只时运不佳的雪鹭自以为找到一个完美的捕鱼地点。This unlucky egret thought he had found a perfect spot to go fishing.

有智慧的运动员应该接受自己的每一投,并给出评分,而不去抱怨时运不济。A wise player ought to accept his throws and score them, not bewail his luck.

而在时运不济的年头,他也始终是一位力图挽救公司命运的忠诚战士。And Stempel was a loyal enough soldier to try to save it during its bad years.

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光调研就花费了18个月,弗雷恩的剧本也写出来了,但没想到时运不济。After 18 months research and writing by Frayn they had a script but bad timing.

这款手机子发布之始便时运不济,推出的短短几个星期后便折戟沉沙。The phone was star-crossed from its released, and a few short weeks after launch.

痣或胎记落到这些区域有可能象徵好运或时运不济。The moles and birthmarks in these areas can indicate good fortune, or a lack of it.

表面上看来,他完全是个时运不济的普通种植园主。To all appearances he was just the commonplace planter who had fallen upon evil days.

时运不济的你或许无从选择,但是你可以选择应对的方略。You may not have chosen your tough time, but you can choose how you will react to it.

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时运不济时谁都帮不了你,美好年代里谁都不会为你感到高兴。In bad times everyone can't help you and in good times everyone isn't as happy for you.

再次,宿命化的“时运”观念形成了定向性与突转性的意态化叙事构架。Once more, the fate "fortune" idea has formed directing and sharp bend narrative skeleton.

一支也门代表团也曾抱着相同的目的抵达澳大利亚,但是可惜时运不济。A delegation of Yemenis traveled to Australia with a similar goal in mind, but had no luck.