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你这是金表链吗?Is that a gold watch-chain?

黑色陶瓷表壳和表链。Black ceramic case and bracelet.

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手表从表链上拆下来。I detached my watch from the chain.

那个胸口带上挂个表链的家伙是谁?Who's the guy with the Albert chain?

他把手表链从手表上拆下来。He detached his watch from the chain.

桌上有一块安上表链的表。There is a watch and chain on the table.

我已把表从表链上取了下来。I have detached the watch from the chain.

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这条表链甚至配得上那只金表。The chain was even worthy of the gold watch.

我的带表链的手表在写字桌上。There is my watch and chain on the writing table.

她一见这条表链,就知道一定属于吉姆所有。As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jims.

她一见这条表链,就知道一定属于吉姆所有。As soon as she saw it she knew that it must be Jim’s.

把你的表给我,我想看一下表链装在表上的样子。Give me your watch. I want to see how it looks on it.

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文静而有价值——这句话拿来形容表链和杰姆本人都恰到好处。Quietness and value——the description applied to both.

她取出一只金面小怀表,表上系着彩饰的表链。She drew out a little gold-faced watch on an enamelled chain.

然后她跑了很多店想找到一条和Jim的表相配的表链。Then she searched the shops for a gold chain worthy of Jims watch.

德拉卖掉了自己的长发为吉姆买了一条白金表链。Alexandra sell their own long Jim, bought for a platinum bracelets.

漂亮的新综合精钢表链蝴蝶表扣闭合。Beautiful new integrated steel bracelet with butterfly clasp closure.

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我有一个幸运手链,那是我曾祖父的表链。I have a lucky charm bracelet, which is my great-grandfather's watch chain.

这个人拿出一只表链都是用小钻石制成的金表。The man pulled out a gold watch, the hands of which were made of small diamonds.

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