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本发明涉及一种调色剂定影带。The present invention relates to a toner fixing belt.

标在图像上地园代表对对象地定影。The circles marked on the images stand for the subjects' fixation.

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在青色,黄色和洋红色碳粉都有自己的定影行为转让。The cyan, yellow and magenta toners each have their own fuser behavior assignments.

要约本发明提供一种定影装置和一种具有该定影装置的成像设备。A fixing device and an image forming apparatus having the fixing device are provided.

另外被定影所感动不仅不被看作是男士行为,它还伴有时代偏见。And not only is crying in movies not seen as a "male" thing, it also has an age bias.

稳定的质量,强大的定影膜固定,降低废物粉末,没有灰色的背景。Stability quality, strong fuser film fixation, lower waste powder, No gray background.

感应加热辊装置,加热辊,定影设备和成像设备。Induction heating roller device, heating roller, photographic fixing equipment and imaging device.

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本文对银影像的密度在长时间的定影过程中变小的原因进行了分析和研究。The cause of silver image turning thinner after long time fixation was investigated and analyzed here.

定影组件作为复印机的主要部件之一,是复印机成像系统中不可短缺的部分。As one of the most important part of copier, Fuser plays an important role in copier image marking system.

微波窑提供令人振奋的可能性的萌芽定影,以及经验丰富的融合艺术家。Microwave kilns offer exciting possibilities to the budding fuser, as well as the experienced fusing artist.

在定影过程中测量了光栅峰值衍射效率随温度的变化。The dependence of the peak diffraction efficiency of grating on the temperature was measured at fixing stage.

因此,所述调色剂可以低温定影,同时保持长期存放稳定性和耐久性。Therefore, the toner may be fixed at a low temperature, while maintaining long-term storage stability and durability.

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本文给出一种能够将全息干板显影定影一次完成的单浴液配方,并将该单浴液用于全息照相的干板处理中。The prescription of the single bath is given, which could finish the process of developing and fixing plates in one step.

公司致力于产品的不断完善与改进,其生产的定影膜高于同行业标准。Company is committed to continuous improvement of products and improvement of its production Fuser Film higher than industry standards.

复印机定影过程的温度场仿真研究对提高定影效果具有重要意义。The simulation of temperature field of copier paper in the copier fusing is very important for improving the fusing property of reprography.

不复位定影器故障代码复印工作就不能进行。本文以佳能、夏普和理光复印机为例,介绍70多种型号复印机定影器故障代码的复位方法。This paper takes more than 70 kinds of Canon, Sharp and Ricoh of PPC for example, recommends way resetting trouble-codes of PPC fuser units.

我们正在寻找购买PVC卡定影仪,感兴趣的海外卖家请发送详细的报价、条款及条件等给我们。We are looking for buying PVC Card Fuser. Interested overseas sellers are requested to send their detailed offers with terms and conditions.

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这些特征使调色剂有优异的防污损特性和定影能力,同时在受热时有稳定的粘弹性。The properties provide the toner with a harmonization of anti-offset characteristic and fixability as well as stable viscoelasticity under heating.

注视能够被以为是一种持续地累积及在感兴味范畴地一系列持续定影地均匀空间定位。Gaze Duration can be considered as cumulative duration and average spatial location of a series of consecutive fixations within an area of interest.

消耗性元件或零件,例如镭射打印定影器及喷墨打印头等,均不包括在第二年及第三年之保养范围内。Limited life components or parts such as heat fixing unit for laser products, print head for inkjet products from 2 nd and 3 rd year are not included.