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秃子不需梳头。The bald need no comb.

墨西哥秃子大模大样地走了出去。The airless Mexican walked boldly out.

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爷爷个子不高,圆圆的头,是个秃子。Grandpa was short, round-headed, and bald.

没门,你给凯文理发的时候,差点给他理成了秃子。No way, Jose! You almost made Kevin bald when you did his hair.

我敢说,执事打算要冲老秃子下手了,嗯?I declare! so the deacon's goin' to try his hand on Old Baldy, eh?

没关系的,你没发现现在有哪个孩子是秃子吧?!It does not matter, you did not find any child is now baldhead , right?!

他匆忙地收好了秃子小心地拿出的100的支票。He hastily pocketed the two Rs. 100 notes the bald man discreetly held out.

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护士给秃子梳头梳得太重,弄得他的头顶红得像龙虾一样。The nurse scarified the bald man so hard that his head was as red as a lobster.

他被铁匠一顿好打,因为铁匠从秃子的描述中认出了他的老婆。He is beaten up by the blacksmith who recognizes his wife from Baldy Li's description.

他的头不停地被狠狠揉搓,而他还没成秃子称得上是一个奇迹。His head had been rubbed so often and so vigorously that it was a wonder he wasn't bald.

机会就象秃子头上一根毛,你抓住就抓住,抓不住就没了。Tuzi opportunity as a head hair, you seize on to seize, not a failure to focus our efforts.

因此,面对这个不证自明的命题,答案与秃子头上的虱子一样,都是明摆着的。Therefore, with such self-evident proposition, the answer is the same as with the bald head louse, are obvious.

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其实,你只是想不明白,那男的是怎么把这么漂亮的女孩泡到手的——拜托,揽她入怀的人要么是胖子要么是秃子要么就是丑八怪,或者干脆三者合一!You are asking how did he get together with that beautiful girl, he isoverweight, bald, ugly or all of the above.

现代电影中,外星人总是一光头的形象出现,就好像是秃子门的同类。The popular images of the aliens are all hairless in madern movies,as if they are the next kin to the bald people.

小人名叫张禄。有个钱秃子和我一同当乞丐,可我讨的钱始终不及他多。A money baldicoot and I am become together beggar, but the money that I denounce from beginning to end not as good as he is much.

范秃子上演国际感觉,让他在他做了最轻微的差错和驱逐他对长凳的最后时候。Van Gundy played the international sensation sparingly , yanking him every time he made the slightest mistake and banishing him to the very end of the bench.

那是一个大夏天,秃子干完活坐在树荫下休息,一只苍蝇飞过来在他的头顶上嗡嗡响个不停,还不时地叮他几口。There was once a Bald Man who sat down after work on a hot summer's day. A Fly came up and kept buzzing about his bald pate, and stinging him from time to time.

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在2012年,中心战略与国际问题研究学会上,砖家安东尼口的曼和尼古拉斯亚洛斯自己端详了中国和秃子家的军事数据。In 2012, Center for Strategic and International Studies experts Anthony Cordesman and Nicholas Yarosh looked at the data on Chinese and Taiwanese military strength.

他去了卫生间一会后把刮胡刀还给了我,我发现上面残留着一些弯弯曲曲的毛发,顺便说一句,那人是个秃子。He went to the bathroom, which I thought was polite, but when he got back to his desk and returned my clippers, there were little curly hairs stuck inside. He's bald.

在继母临死之际他承诺她会照顾好秃子,他虽然尽了全力但是在找寻财富的道路上却落在了后面。Having promised his stepmother on her deathbed that he would always look after Baldy , he does his best but gets left behind in the desperate search for a quick fortune.